[TYPES/announce] Assistant/associate professor positions at Aarhus University, Denmark

Anders Møller amoeller at cs.au.dk
Tue Dec 7 02:13:01 EST 2021

The Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University (https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://cs.au.dk/__;!!IBzWLUs!DCJgH6RvJ7hq63xF6QbvLEKQGb4qmgx1ZByqz0iXjv77McSm_acibSBWQbsPVB1IvYBrLAZxWTJ7og$ ) is looking for excellent and visionary tenure track Assistant Professors or Associate Professors to push the frontiers of Computer Science research. Aarhus University - an international top-100 University - has made an ambitious strategic investment in a recruitment plan to radically expand the Department of Computer Science.

Applicants within all areas of computer science are welcome, including Programming Languages, Software Engineering, Logic and Semantics.

The application deadline is January 11th 2022.

Additional details and instructions on how to apply are found at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.au.dk/om/stillinger/job/aarhus-university-is-hiring-assistant-and-associate-professors-to-contribute-to-the-future-of-the-department-of-computer-science-1__;!!IBzWLUs!DCJgH6RvJ7hq63xF6QbvLEKQGb4qmgx1ZByqz0iXjv77McSm_acibSBWQbsPVB1IvYBrLAbX6Sjseg$ 

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