[TYPES/announce] PhD scholarship in Verification of Software-Defined Networks

Alceste Scalas alcsc at dtu.dk
Fri Mar 11 10:41:51 EST 2022

DTU - Technical University of Denmark
DTU Compute - Section for Software Systems Engineering

We are looking for a bright and motivated PhD student for a 3-year PhD
position. The research topic is the verification of Software-Defined
Network configurations (details below).

   * Application deadline: 30 April 2022

   * Expected starting date: 1 July 2022 (negotiable)

   * For inquiries, please contact:
     Alceste Scalas <alcsc at dtu.dk> - https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://people.compute.dtu.dk/alcsc__;!!IBzWLUs!EavaHUD6lEGaVydZnOyXUJI3ubXPxAc8XQpC_dtrX1-BAyZtSRH1FniVh_U-MAlWyGim1H4CT8NVcQ$ 

   * Application link with complete details:

The project is financed by DTU, as part of a larger collaboration with
the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (Sweden) and major
industry partners, within the Nordic Five Tech strategic alliance
between the leading Nordic technical universities:

It is an excellent opportunity to be involved in advanced research on
programming languages and distributed systems, with important practical


The project goal is to develop new methods and tools to verify the
correctness of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) configurations. Modern
SDN-enabled network routers and switches are programmable using
vendor-neutral languages and standards (such as P4 <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://p4.org/__;!!IBzWLUs!EavaHUD6lEGaVydZnOyXUJI3ubXPxAc8XQpC_dtrX1-BAyZtSRH1FniVh_U-MAlWyGim1H4hdWWnGw$ >),
hence they are very powerful and flexible. Unfortunately, this power and
flexibility comes at a cost: SDN configurations can be complicated, and
mistakes can be costly - very simple bugs can bring whole networks and
businesses offline, or compromise their privacy and security. Therefore,
our research question is: can we prevent these mistakes? Can we verify
the correctness of SDN configurations before they are deployed?


If you join this project, you will become a member of the DTU Compute
research section on Software Systems Engineering, and you will work in
close collaboration with an external supervisor at KTH. You will also
join the DTU Compute PhD school and take part in its courses and
activities. As part of your PhD training and research activities, you
will have research stays at the Division of Theoretical Computer Science
at KTH. Links:

   * https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.compute.dtu.dk/english/phd__;!!IBzWLUs!EavaHUD6lEGaVydZnOyXUJI3ubXPxAc8XQpC_dtrX1-BAyZtSRH1FniVh_U-MAlWyGim1H55uoGScQ$ 
   * https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.kth.se/cs/tcs/research__;!!IBzWLUs!EavaHUD6lEGaVydZnOyXUJI3ubXPxAc8XQpC_dtrX1-BAyZtSRH1FniVh_U-MAlWyGim1H5aRRFOgw$ 

Your main tasks within this project will be:

   * become familiar with state-of-the-art research in programming
     languages and formal methods;

   * study existing methodologies for the development of SDN setups based
     on use cases from the project’s industry partners;

   * explore new methods to ensure the correctness of such SDN setups.
     You will help in developing the necessary theory, and implementing
     new software tools based on such theory.

Your duties will also include some Teaching Assistance work at DTU, and
(if you wish) the co-supervision of BSc and MSc student projects related
to your research.

To be considered for the position, you need some familiarity with formal
methods for programming languages (e.g., type systems, control flow
analysis...), and you need good programming skills (preferably including
functional programming).  You will need to document these skills by
listing the relevant university courses you took, or the relevant
experience you have.

It will be an advantage if you can also document some familiarity with
formal methods for concurrent and distributed systems (in particular,
process calculi and model checking).

You must have a two-year master's degree (120 ECTS points) or a similar
degree with an academic level equivalent to a two-year master's degree.
You may apply prior to obtaining your master's degree, but you but
cannot start the PhD position before having received it.


The assessment of the applicants will take place around the middle of
May 2022.

For the application details, see:

For further information and inquiries, please contact:
Alceste Scalas <alcsc at dtu.dk>

You can read more about DTU Compute at:

You can read more about the DTU Compute Research Section on Software
Systems Engineering at:

If you are applying from abroad, you may find useful information on 
working in Denmark at:

Alceste Scalas <alcsc at dtu.dk> - https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://people.compute.dtu.dk/alcsc__;!!IBzWLUs!EavaHUD6lEGaVydZnOyXUJI3ubXPxAc8XQpC_dtrX1-BAyZtSRH1FniVh_U-MAlWyGim1H4CT8NVcQ$ 
Associate Professor @ DTU Compute - Section for Software Systems Engineering
Technical University of Denmark
Building 321, Room 010
2800 Kgs. Lyngby

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