[TYPES/announce] Two PhD opportunities at Swansea University: λ-calculi and automata/dynamical systems and computability

ppradic p.r.a.pradic at swansea.ac.uk
Mon Jul 11 03:01:11 EDT 2022

Dear all,

(apologies if you receive this multiple times; I forgot I was not subscribe
to the mailing list when sending the first time around.
Feel free to circulate to students who might be interested in these offers)

I'd like to advertise a funded PhD position in the CS theory group at
Swansea University, to be supervised by myself. The topic would be about
exploring connections between (linear) λ-calculi and automata theory,
hopefully using semantic methods. The official advert, that can be found at


gives some administrative details and some ideas on the research
directions that could be explored (I would personally also be happy to
discuss other ideas as long as I would be a particularly good fit to
supervise; my webpage might give you some idea about my interests:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cs-web.swan.ac.uk/*pierrepradic/__;fg!!IBzWLUs!R7A4yMrvFKLoUeZK32bK-tUR4OP24eS5xrgxdVemzC8AXleJbacokVlMACo9MoN0-CF0w2q5Vgnln9SFfqCDW-iytvajlJ-VbwOb3pXbUQ$ ).

Eike Neumann also has a funded PhD position to offer on a project about
looking at dynamical systems with a focus on exact real number
computability that I'd also like to advertise


The stipend would be £16,062/year (UKRI rate), for a duration of 3 years
and the tuition fees are covered by the funding. The closing date for
both calls is July 29th. While the application procedure is detailed in
the links I gave above, we would welcome prospective candidates getting
in touch via email (p.r.a.pradic at swansea.ac.uk for me,
e.f.neumann at swansea.ac.uk for Eike) beforehand.

All the best,

Pierre Pradic

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