[TYPES/announce] UPDATED CfP: Eelco Visser Commemorative Symposium

Jonathan Aldrich jonathan.aldrich at cs.cmu.edu
Fri Sep 23 15:22:16 EDT 2022

Two updates:

   - The proceedings of the symposium are to be published as a volume in
   the Dagstuhl OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs).
   - The submission website is at

A reminder that the deadline to declare your intent to submit (optional,
but appreciated) is coming up on 30 September 2022!  Final deadline to
submit is on 28 October.

Eelco Visser Commemorative Symposium 5 April 2023, Delft, The Netherlands
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://symposium.eelcovisser.org/manageTrackContentElements/evcs-papers*5-april-2023-delft-the-netherlands__;Iw!!IBzWLUs!WIdfeiryDRFhvDvJBXRAcaaUUmJK51ikH8k_CNwSI1CU57yglC_mK21oMk4iQOELc-VhDc0poj4nFTy6vyYMb9c5ieBFPbZVf67b_CEfXOH7$  >


Eelco Visser (1966–2022) was Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Professor of Computer
Science and Chair of the Programming Languages Group in the Department of
Software Technology at TU Delft. His research career started with studies
at the University of Amsterdam and CWI, followed by appointments at Oregon
Graduate Institute and Utrecht University. He was highly influential in the
software language engineering and programming language design communities.
His many scientific contributions about meta-languages and domain-specific
languages have been of high importance in both the scientific and
industrial communities. He was a founding member of IFIP Working Groups
2.11 (Program Generation) and 2.16 (Programming Language Design).

Eelco Visser’s work on the cutting-edge language workbench *Spoofax*
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.spoofax.dev/__;!!IBzWLUs!WIdfeiryDRFhvDvJBXRAcaaUUmJK51ikH8k_CNwSI1CU57yglC_mK21oMk4iQOELc-VhDc0poj4nFTy6vyYMb9c5ieBFPbZVf67b_EmzzUxY$  > started with a ground-breaking publication in
2010, for which he received a *Most Influential Paper* award at OOPSLA
2020. As a strong advocate of tool-supported programming education, he led
the development of *WebLab* <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://weblab.tudelft.nl/__;!!IBzWLUs!WIdfeiryDRFhvDvJBXRAcaaUUmJK51ikH8k_CNwSI1CU57yglC_mK21oMk4iQOELc-VhDc0poj4nFTy6vyYMb9c5ieBFPbZVf67b_LglozVH$  >, a learning
management system that is in use for a range of programming languages and
courses at TU Delft. He also led the design, implementation and use of
conf.researchr.org, a content management system for scientific events used
by hundreds of international events since 2014.
2nd Call for Papers

A commemorative symposium for Eelco Visser is to be held on the first
anniversary of his untimely passing in April 2022. It will bring together
colleagues from various communities, with presentations of papers on topics
related to his research and his other academic activities.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

   - Language engineering
   - Program transformation
   - Language workbenches
   - Declarative language specification
   - Name binding and scope graphs
   - Type soundness and intrinsically-typed interpreters
   - Language specification testing
   - Language implementation generation
   - Domain-specific programming languages
   - DSLs for software deployment
   - DSLs for web application development
   - Tool-supported programming education

Important Dates
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://symposium.eelcovisser.org/manageCalls/evcs-papers*types-of-submissions__;Iw!!IBzWLUs!WIdfeiryDRFhvDvJBXRAcaaUUmJK51ikH8k_CNwSI1CU57yglC_mK21oMk4iQOELc-VhDc0poj4nFTy6vyYMb9c5ieBFPbZVf67b_Emwj0ps$  >

   - *Friday 30 September 2022:    Declaration of intent to submit*
   - *Friday 28 October 2022:         Paper submission deadline*
   - *Monday 28 November 2022:  Notifications*
   - *Wednesday 5 April 2023:       Symposium*

Types of Submissions
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://symposium.eelcovisser.org/manageCalls/evcs-papers*types-of-submissions__;Iw!!IBzWLUs!WIdfeiryDRFhvDvJBXRAcaaUUmJK51ikH8k_CNwSI1CU57yglC_mK21oMk4iQOELc-VhDc0poj4nFTy6vyYMb9c5ieBFPbZVf67b_Emwj0ps$  >

   - *Unpublished research:* These are *extended abstracts* of novel
   research contributions related to Eelco Visser’s work. Papers may range
   from 4 to 8 pages in length, and may optionally include up to 2 further
   pages of bibliography. Papers will be reviewed by selected members of the
   relevant research communities. Subsequent submission of full papers
   including the same results to other venues is encouraged.
   - *On the relationship between Eelco Visser’s work and other
frameworks:* These
   are papers that present some framework and explain its relationship to his
   work, but *without* novel research contributions. Papers may range from
   4 to 8 pages in length, and may optionally include up to 2 further pages of
   bibliography. Papers will be reviewed by experts on the relevant topics.
   - *Personal reflections on Eelco Visser’s activities:* These are short
   papers that recall and reflect upon personal experiences of his
   contributions in academia or industry. Papers may range from 1 to 4 pages
   in length, including bibliography. Papers will be lightly reviewed for

<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://symposium.eelcovisser.org/manageCalls/evcs-papers*submissions__;Iw!!IBzWLUs!WIdfeiryDRFhvDvJBXRAcaaUUmJK51ikH8k_CNwSI1CU57yglC_mK21oMk4iQOELc-VhDc0poj4nFTy6vyYMb9c5ieBFPbZVf67b_BOUceTc$  >

The submission website is on EasyChair
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=evcs2023__;!!IBzWLUs!WIdfeiryDRFhvDvJBXRAcaaUUmJK51ikH8k_CNwSI1CU57yglC_mK21oMk4iQOELc-VhDc0poj4nFTy6vyYMb9c5ieBFPbZVf67b_IXnNdS2$  >. *Declaration of intent
to submit* is optional, but helpful for allocation of appropriate
reviewers. It is to include a provisional title, the type of submission,
and an indication of the topics covered. *Submitted papers *should be
formatted using LaTeX according to the author instructions for the Dagstuhl
OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs)
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://submission.dagstuhl.de/series/details/4*author__;Iw!!IBzWLUs!WIdfeiryDRFhvDvJBXRAcaaUUmJK51ikH8k_CNwSI1CU57yglC_mK21oMk4iQOELc-VhDc0poj4nFTy6vyYMb9c5ieBFPbZVf67b_JWVyvVq$  >, respecting the
page limits indicated above.
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://symposium.eelcovisser.org/manageCalls/evcs-papers*publication__;Iw!!IBzWLUs!WIdfeiryDRFhvDvJBXRAcaaUUmJK51ikH8k_CNwSI1CU57yglC_mK21oMk4iQOELc-VhDc0poj4nFTy6vyYMb9c5ieBFPbZVf67b_KBk25E2$  >

All accepted papers will appear in the *Proceedings of the EVCS*, to be
published as a volume in the Dagstuhl OpenAccess Series in Informatics
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.dagstuhl.de/en/publications/oasics/__;!!IBzWLUs!WIdfeiryDRFhvDvJBXRAcaaUUmJK51ikH8k_CNwSI1CU57yglC_mK21oMk4iQOELc-VhDc0poj4nFTy6vyYMb9c5ieBFPbZVf67b_JTAEH80$  > (OASIcs). Authors retain
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://symposium.eelcovisser.org/manageCalls/evcs-papers*presentations__;Iw!!IBzWLUs!WIdfeiryDRFhvDvJBXRAcaaUUmJK51ikH8k_CNwSI1CU57yglC_mK21oMk4iQOELc-VhDc0poj4nFTy6vyYMb9c5ieBFPbZVf67b_BrjWDjj$  >

All accepted papers are to be presented at the symposium. Presenters may
choose between 5, 10, and 15-minute slots (including questions) subject to
availability. Remote presentations are possible.
O <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://symposium.eelcovisser.org/manageCalls/evcs-papers*presentations__;Iw!!IBzWLUs!WIdfeiryDRFhvDvJBXRAcaaUUmJK51ikH8k_CNwSI1CU57yglC_mK21oMk4iQOELc-VhDc0poj4nFTy6vyYMb9c5ieBFPbZVf67b_BrjWDjj$  >rganising
Jonathan Aldrich, Carnegie Mellon University
Benoit Combemale, University of Rennes, Inria, and IRISA
Paul Klint, CWI and University of Amsterdam
Ralf Lämmel, University of Koblenz
Peter Mosses (chair), TU Delft and Swansea University
Friedrich Steimann, Fernuniversität in Hagen
Tijs van der Storm, CWI and University of Groningen
Eric Van Wyk, University of Minnesota
Local Organisation Committeee
Arie van Deursen
Peter Mosses
Roniet Sharabi
Shémara van der Zwet

For all enquiries about the symposium, please use the contact form
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://symposium.eelcovisser.org/contact__;!!IBzWLUs!WIdfeiryDRFhvDvJBXRAcaaUUmJK51ikH8k_CNwSI1CU57yglC_mK21oMk4iQOELc-VhDc0poj4nFTy6vyYMb9c5ieBFPbZVf67b_JH4s85y$  > or email
symposium at eelcovisser.org
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