[TYPES/announce] LAFI'23 - Call for participation - POPL-23 workshop on Languages for Inference - Boston, Online and with a local antenna in Paris

Christine Tasson christine.tasson at lip6.fr
Mon Jan 9 13:08:31 EST 2023


                                   *** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ***

             LAFI 2023 - POPL 2023 workshop on Languages for Inference

                                             January 15, 2023


We are pleased to announce*LAFI2023 
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cs.cornell.edu/mfps-2022/__;!!IBzWLUs!VUsgRD4in8B9GAfatuy1n1f8KqON9obuXvEn2eYKnGhH6uBFXTgO3yvmTqPa_UvEFcCPz3NM6hi9aPj9p0cQvEafU57rc0OfcITREb1ZGvM$ >* will be held on *Sunday January 
15, 2023*.

We plan to hold a hybrid conference with:

  * the *in-person event in **Boston* in-person registration
    <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://popl23.sigplan.org/attending/registration__;!!IBzWLUs!VUsgRD4in8B9GAfatuy1n1f8KqON9obuXvEn2eYKnGhH6uBFXTgO3yvmTqPa_UvEFcCPz3NM6hi9aPj9p0cQvEafU57rc0OfcITRG1IeOcA$ >is mandatory.
  * the*local event in Paris *(Université Paris Cité, M°Saint Germain
    des Prés)**through Airmeet with
    in-person speakers and attendees. To enter the building on Sunday,
    you need to be registered on
    the list of participants of LAFI, registrationis free and mandatory
    here. <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://framadate.org/KhPZuYi6WJQPc3wr__;!!IBzWLUs!VUsgRD4in8B9GAfatuy1n1f8KqON9obuXvEn2eYKnGhH6uBFXTgO3yvmTqPa_UvEFcCPz3NM6hi9aPj9p0cQvEafU57rc0OfcITRycETLBM$ >
  * Attendees will also be able to participate virtually from Airmeet
    anywhere. The link for Airmeet is
    included with a virtual POPL registration
    <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://popl23.sigplan.org/attending/registration__;!!IBzWLUs!VUsgRD4in8B9GAfatuy1n1f8KqON9obuXvEn2eYKnGhH6uBFXTgO3yvmTqPa_UvEFcCPz3NM6hi9aPj9p0cQvEafU57rc0OfcITRG1IeOcA$ > (about $100 for
    all POPL events). It will be sent out a few
    days in advance of the workshop.
  * Slack for the workshop:

The *Schedule* is now online: 

There will be speakers in Boston, in Paris and Online.

*Invited speaker*

  * Hongseok Yang, KAIST
    Introduction to the tensor-programs framework, a PL approach
    that helps analyse theoretical properties of deep learning.

_*Program Committee*_

  * Guillaume Baudart, DIENS, Inria
  * Steven Holtzen, Northeastern University (co-chair)
  * Faustyna Krawied, University of Cambridge
  * Alexander Lew, MIT
  * Michele Pagani, IRIF, Université de Paris Cité
  * Gordon Plotkin, Google
  * Eli Sennesh, Northeastern University
  * Dario Stein, Oxford University
  * Christine Tasson, ISAE-SUPAERO (chair)

_*Steering Committee*_

  * Cameron Freer, MIT
  * Ohad Kammar, University of Edinburgh
  * Chung-chieh Shan, Indiana University
  * Jeffrey Mark Siskind, Purdue University
  * Jean-Baptiste Tristan, Amazon Web Services
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