[TYPES/announce] Call for Participation: Logic Mentoring Workshop at CSL'23, Feb 17, Warsaw

Michaël Cadilhac michael at cadilhac.name
Sun Jan 22 14:14:17 EST 2023


                         Call for Participation

                Logic Mentoring Workshop (LMW at CSL 2023)
                             Warsaw, Poland
                           February 17, 2023


          Co-located with Computer Science Logic (CSL) 2023

Registration at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://csl2023.mimuw.edu.pl/?page_id=696__;!!IBzWLUs!RncsaArU0UatY54iuN3JdIFmbJ5Z0CU0fG-mtG183MzmjoA6AaJ-COPqtJl56uKAJwjZacgq0S1FMCJuQPi2GJxcinUSd6XXofM$ 

Students in US institutions can have their expenses covered by the Logic
Mentoring Workshop Travel Award (see below).


The Logic Mentoring Workshop introduces young researchers to the
technical and practical aspects of a career in logic research.  It is
targeted at students, from senior undergraduates to doctoral students,
and will include tutorials and plenary talks as well as a panel
discussion, where experienced researchers from the field answer
career-related questions from the audience.

The workshop will happen in person only, in Warsaw, Poland, co-located
with Computer Science Logic (CSL'23, https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://csl2023.mimuw.edu.pl/__;!!IBzWLUs!RncsaArU0UatY54iuN3JdIFmbJ5Z0CU0fG-mtG183MzmjoA6AaJ-COPqtJl56uKAJwjZacgq0S1FMCJuQPi2GJxcinUSZyd-ho8$ ) one
of the most prestigious conferences on the topic.  Attending CSL is *not*
required to attend LMW, but it is encouraged, in particular by pairing
students who wish to with a mentor during CSL.


- Mateusz Gienieczko (Microsoft Research, Ireland)
- Nina Gierasimczuk (Danish Technical U., Denmark)
- Jan Křetínský (T.U. Munich, Germany)
- Julien Grange (U. Paris-Est Créteil, France)
- Dale Miller (Inria Saclay and LIX Polytechnique, France)
- Benedikt Pago (Aachen U., Germany)
- Thorsten Wißmann (Friedrich-Alexander U. of Erlangen and Nürnberg, Germany)


- Mikołaj Bojańczyk (U. Warsaw, Poland)
- Ismaël Jecker (U. Warsaw, Poland)
... and more to come.


- Michaël Cadilhac (DePaul U., USA)
- Pierre Ohlmann (U. Warsaw, Poland),
- Thejaswini Raghavan (Warwick U., UK)


The detailed program will be at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://mc.cdm.depaul.edu/lmw-csl23/__;!!IBzWLUs!RncsaArU0UatY54iuN3JdIFmbJ5Z0CU0fG-mtG183MzmjoA6AaJ-COPqtJl56uKAJwjZacgq0S1FMCJuQPi2GJxcinUSxJhRNKE$ 
closer to the workshop.


US-based students (undergrad, master's, and PhD alike) can apply to have
their costs (some or all) covered by our sponsor, the National Science
Foundation (NSF).

Deadline: Jan 30 (applications are accepted after that date if funds allow)
Apply at: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/EkcnV3Wreynr4C949__;!!IBzWLUs!RncsaArU0UatY54iuN3JdIFmbJ5Z0CU0fG-mtG183MzmjoA6AaJ-COPqtJl56uKAJwjZacgq0S1FMCJuQPi2GJxcinUSJD_UCPI$ 

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