[TYPES/announce] ETAPS 2023 Call For Participation

jan.kofron at d3s.mff.cuni.cz jan.kofron at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Mon Jan 30 13:49:02 EST 2023

Registration is open.

Early registration is until 28 February 2023. After 22 March, late
registration rates apply.


                      CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

26th European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software
                            ETAPS 2022

                  Paris, France, 22-27 April 2023




ETAPS is the primary European forum for academic and industrial
researchers working on topics relating to software science. ETAPS,
established in 1998, is a confederation of four annual conferences
accompanied by satellite workshops. ETAPS 2023 is the twenty-sixth
event in the series.

-- Why choose ETAPS? --

  * ETAPS is one of the world's leading fora for research on software
    science, with a history of more than 25 years.
  * The proceedings of ETAPS appear in gold open access, with no article
    processing charge for the authors specifically.
  * ETAPS has low participation fees for all and students in particular.

-- What is new in 2023? --

  * The SPIN symposium will be co-located with ETAPS. More info at:
    https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://spin-web.github.io/SPIN2023/__;!!IBzWLUs!VFanpGZXxYeE1Rv0-I_hKzcbTlhE70UVEGR4U_jGQeQfT397ApBhE-aw2CXNmhi2gj6g67h6xXeDRl4LPDZHnY2rfzKeNh1_BgEhK6dqIZo$  .
  * Presentations of the test-of-time-award and the doctoral-
    dissertation-award winners will take place.
  * A plenary session for TOOLympics will be organised.

-- MAIN CONFERENCES (24-27 April 2023) --

   * ESOP: European Symposium on Programming
       (PC chair: Thomas Wies, New York University)
   * FASE: Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
       (PC chairs: Leen Lambers, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg,
       and Sebastián Uchitel, University of Buenos Aires)
   * FoSSaCS: Foundations of Software Science
       and Computation Structures
       (PC chairs: Pawel Sobocinski, Tallinn University of Technology,
       and Orna Kupferman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
   * TACAS: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
       (PC chairs: Sriram Sankaranarayanan, University of Colorado, 
       Boulder, CO,
       and Natasha Sharygina, University of Lugano)

ETAPS'23 will also host another edition of TOOLympics, organised by 
Dirk Beyer, Fabrice Kordon, and Arnd Hartmanns.


   * Unifying speakers:
     Thomas A. Henzinger (IST, Austria)     
     Véronique Cortier (Loria, France)

   * ESOP: Mooly Shagiv (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
   * FASE: Sven Apel (Saarland University, Germany)

   * Tutorial speakers:
     Ana-Lucia Varbanescu (University Twente and University Amsterdam)
     Joost-Pieter Katoen (RWTH Aachen and University Twente)


The strongest papers from the four conferences will be nominated for the
ETAPS best paper awards of EAPLS, EASST and EATCS, and the SCP best tool
paper award.

The ETAPS test-of-time award will be granted, recognising outstanding 
papers published at ETAPS more than ten years in the past.

The Doctoral Dissertation Award will be granted to promote and recognise
an outstanding dissertation in the research areas covered by the four main
ETAPS conferences.

-- SATELLITE EVENTS (22-23 April 2023) --

A number of satellite workshops and other events will take place during
the weekend before the main conferences.

In particular, there will be a PhD student mentoring workshop organised 
by Caterina Urban and Wolfgang Ahrendt.


ETAPS 2023 will take place in Paris, France. The conferences and satellite 
events will be hosted at Sorbonne Université and IHP (Institut Henri Poincaré),
respectively. They are located in the very centre of the city, in the famous 
historic district of Quartier Latin. The new museum of mathematical sciences
of IHP and the historical mathematics library are also in the same buildings as
the satellite events. Several museums, churches and historical buildings can be
visited in this area. The convenient location allows for accessing most places
in Paris by public transport. ETAPS is organised by the MeFoSyLoMa community,
which gathers all researchers on formal methods for software and hardware
systems in the Île-de-France region.


General co-chairs:
* Fabrice Kordon (Sorbonne Université)
* Laure Petrucci (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)

Workshop co-chairs:
* Benedikt Bollig (CNRS)
* Stefan Haar (Inria)

Tutorial chair:
* Étienne André (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)

Web co-chairs:
* Denis Poitrenaud (Université Paris Cité)
* Stefan Schwoon (ENS Paris-Saclay)

Publicity co-chairs
* Benoît Barbot (Université Paris-Est Créteil)
* Nathalie Sznajder (Sorbonne Université)

Sponsor chair
* Céline Ghibaudo (Sorbonne Université)

Communication chair
* Anna-Marie Reytier (Sorbonne Université)

Local proceedings chair
* Étienne André (Sorbonne Paris Nord)

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