[TYPES/announce] 4y fully funded PhD position on verification of efficient and secure parallel algorithms

Peter Lammich lammich at in.tum.de
Thu Feb 2 13:52:42 EST 2023

4-Year PhD position @ UTwente


We have an opening for a 4 year PhD position in the VESPA project 
(Verification of Efficient and Secure Parallel Algorithms) at the 
University of Twente.

We want to apply stepwise refinement techniques in Isabelle/HOL (or 
another ITP) to develop scalable verification techniques for parallel 
algorithms, down to their efficient implementations on Multicore CPUs / 

You will be supervised by Peter Lammich, and work in the Formal Methods 
and Tools group at the University of Twente, which has a strong 
expertise in verification of concurrent software.

The PhD position is fully funded, and your salary will be increasing 
from € 2,541 in the first year to € 3,247in the last year.

Starting date is (ideally) before June 2023, but later starting dates 
can be negotiated.

For applications and other details: please follow this link: 
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://utwentecareers.nl/en/vacancies/1044/__;!!IBzWLUs!R1rRHpLr9-Z2362rN3YFVZFljlqX5QkR-vlsuWlyyWm-AcmIPAzV5DBkuP5-GByah9p0l29vluiCDupefS1zT5EGbZIX12ML$  *Application Deadline:* 
*28th February*

For more information, feel free to contact Peter (p.lammich at utwente.nl).

Best wishes,

   Peter Lammich

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