[TYPES/announce] PhD position in formal methods at the University of Oslo

Peter Csaba Ölveczky peterol at ifi.uio.no
Sat Feb 4 16:21:22 EST 2023

3 year PhD research fellowship available in formal methods at the
University of Oslo: Rewrite-based methods for real-time systems.  

** Application deadline February 28, 2023 **
** Competitive salary **



for details and on how to apply. 


This PhD project is part of a broader project which aims at developing formal
modeling languages and analysis methods that can be successfully
applied to complex modern cyber-physical systems. 

In particular, the goal of this PhD project is to integrate symbolic analysis methods,
such as narrowing analysis and SMT solving, into rewriting-based
analysis techniques for real-time and hybrid/cyber-physical systems,
and into tools such as Real-Time Maude and Synchronous AADL.

The project also involves researchers at the University Sorbonne Paris
Nord, POSTECH Korea, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and others.

** Apply online
   *before February 28, 2023*


Contact Professor Peter Ölveczky (peterol  AT ifi.uio.no) for more
information about the position.

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