[TYPES/announce] Full Professor in Computer Science at IMT Lucca - Expression of Interest

Mirco Tribastone mirco.tribastone at imtlucca.it
Wed Feb 8 03:12:37 EST 2023

IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca invites expressions of interest for a
full professorship in computer science with starting date preferably in

The successful candidate will strengthen IMT’s core competencies in
computer science related to modeling and analysis of systems, developing
and employing methodologies and tools with firm mathematical grounds.

The appointed Full Professor will significantly contribute to doctoral
training, especially within the Software Quality track
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.imtlucca.it/en/didattica/programmi-dottorato/programma-dottorato-systems-science/software-quality__;!!IBzWLUs!WE-rCFSBNKz3rA_C3w0brm1aqQbUfkvKePvoE7eLL4sU9-5mV-DMwvVJkVq51r9tX41z579_GVaTxMbXF30ZWm14qizW1mX8VhfFoeUXnxU1pw$ >
of the Ph.D. program in Systems Science and the national Ph.D. program in
Cybersecurity <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cysec2022.imtlucca.it/__;!!IBzWLUs!WE-rCFSBNKz3rA_C3w0brm1aqQbUfkvKePvoE7eLL4sU9-5mV-DMwvVJkVq51r9tX41z579_GVaTxMbXF30ZWm14qizW1mX8VhfFoeV8LkXRSA$ >.

IMT welcomes applications from leaders in the field with a successful track
record of conducting top-level research, attracting research grants, and
performing administrative/managerial roles in academia. The ability to work
in a multidisciplinary environment will be highly appreciated.

Fluent command of English and excellent communication skills are required.
Knowledge of Italian is optional. IMT is particularly interested in
qualified candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of
the academic community.

By Italian legislation, salary will be in the range € 75,000-€ 131,000 ca
before taxes, based on qualification and experience. The Italian Tax Agency
may grant a tax relief of ~90% in the first six years of residence in Italy
if the applicant can demonstrate that s/he has been a resident outside
Italy for at least two years before the starting date.

IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.imtlucca.it/en__;!!IBzWLUs!WE-rCFSBNKz3rA_C3w0brm1aqQbUfkvKePvoE7eLL4sU9-5mV-DMwvVJkVq51r9tX41z579_GVaTxMbXF30ZWm14qizW1mX8VhfFoeW3HTw8hw$ > is a
public research university that stands out for its ability to innovate in
academic education and for the quality of its research. IMT has been
recently ranked among Italy’s top universities by the recent evaluation
exercise (VQR2015-2019) and has been granted a prestigious € 5 million
award (“Dipartimento di Eccellenza”) by Italy’s Ministry of University and
Research. The School hosts several Ph.D. programs that combine skills and
methodologies from different research fields: economics, management,
statistics, computer science, psychology and neuroscience, engineering,
applied mathematics, physics, and cultural heritage.

Interested candidates should express their interest by email to Mirco
Tribastone, head of the research unit SySMA <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sysma.imtlucca.it/__;!!IBzWLUs!WE-rCFSBNKz3rA_C3w0brm1aqQbUfkvKePvoE7eLL4sU9-5mV-DMwvVJkVq51r9tX41z579_GVaTxMbXF30ZWm14qizW1mX8VhfFoeV5l5KV8A$ >
and IMT’s Deputy Rector at mirco.tribastone at imtlucca.it no later than 31st
March 2023.
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