[TYPES/announce] Call for Papers: ACM DEBS 2023 (Deadline Extension)

Naohiro Hayashibara naohaya at cse.kyoto-su.ac.jp
Thu Feb 16 10:48:10 EST 2023

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==============CALL FOR PAPERS (Deadline Extension) =================

17th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems
Neuchâtel, Switzerland
June 27-30, 2023

<<Deadline Extension>>

- Abstract registration for research track: February 24, 2023 (extended)
- Submission deadline for research track: March 3, 2023 (extended)

The ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event‐Based Systems
(DEBS) is a premier venue for academia and industry to discuss cutting-edge
research of event-based computing related to Big Data, AI/ML, IoT, and
Distributed Systems in general. DEBS 2023 will be a forum dedicated to the
dissemination of original research, the discussion of practical insights,
and the reporting of experiences relevant to distributed and event‐based
systems. We solicit high-quality submissions, with several options for
authors depending on the nature of their contribution. All submissions will
undergo an extensive peer review process. *New*: This year, the conference
adopts a dual-deadline model, with an opportunity to submit either in the
Fall or in the Spring, for presentation at the conference in June. ****
Scope **** The DEBS conference covers topics in distributed and event-based
computing for a wide range of application domains and computing
environments. The conference aims at presenting novel solutions for
collecting, detecting, processing, analyzing and responding to events
through distributed middleware and platforms. Topics covered by the
conference include, but are not limited to: *Models, architectures and
paradigms*: Complex event processing, event-driven architectures,
trustworthy event-based systems, real-time analytics, intelligent event
processing, event processing in big and fast data, data stream processing,
security and encryption in stream processing, complex event forecasting,
in-network processing, logic-based complex event recognition, online
relational learning, distributed event pattern learning, event correlation,
and pattern languages. *Systems and software*: Distributed data processing,
distributed programming, federated event-based systems, AI/ML for event
processing, information-centric networking, software-defined networking,
security, reliability and resilience, distributed ledger and blockchains,
programmable hardware, energy management, and green computing as well as
cloud, fog, ubiquitous and mobile computing. *Applications*: Use cases,
requirements, and applications of distributed and event-based systems in
various domains including Internet-of-Things, life sciences, moving object
applications, smart cities, cyber-physical systems, sensor networks, social
networking, multimedia analytics, finance, healthcare and logistics,
computer and network security, smart contracts, and blockchains. Also,
relevant topics span enterprise-level computing, including enterprise
application integration, real-time enterprises, event-based business
process management, and support for enterprises to respond in a timely
fashion to changing situations. **** Important Dates **** Deadlines expire
at 11:59pm AoE. DEBS 2022 will have two submission cycles for the research
track. There will be a rebuttal phase for both submission cycles. We
provide the possibility for papers that are considered promising but not
ready to offer one-shot revisions between the Fall and Spring deadlines.
More information is provided below. **Fall cycle** - Abstract registration
for research track: November 18, 2022 - Submission deadline for research
track: November 25, 2022 - Rebuttal phase: January 7-11, 2022 - Acceptance
notification: January 20, 2023 - Camera ready deadline: March 3, 2023
**Spring cycle** - Abstract registration for research track: February 24,
2023 (extended) - Submission deadline for research track: March 3, 2023
(extended) - Rebuttal phase: April 13-17, 2023 - Acceptance notification:
April 27, 2023 - Camera ready deadline: May 26, 2023 - Conference: June
27-30, 2023 **** Organizers **** - General chair: Valerio Schiavoni
(University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland) - PC chairs: Bettina Kemme (McGill
University, Canada) Etienne Rivière (UCLouvain, Belgium) The list of
Program Committee members can be consulted on the conference webpage:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://2023.debs.org/__;!!IBzWLUs!Syf_d4Cm-bQAtsmyXih4ZitaM6dmtTXc6CNblwyA2UOjw6CSPsRSDf3BmZ1IHEk2g6RJ7uyWJmB99Zb34D_BPy_5WTKsRoMl76TZQ-QZ$  **** Submissions options **** The DEBS 2023 research
track welcomes papers in the following categories: - Regular and short
papers, presenting original research results on the topics of DEBS as well
as experimental papers that provide new insights into the behavior of
existing algorithms and systems. Authors should state their submission type
(regular/short) in the title. Notice that authors that submit a paper as
regular might be offered the opportunity of having their work published as
a short paper. Page limits: 12 pages for regular papers (including
references) and 6 pages for short papers (including references). - Vision
papers, outlining futuristic distributed and event-based systems.
Submissions should describe novel early-stage projects with eventually high
impact. Each submission should clearly state the success criteria of the
futuristic system. Page limit: 6 pages (all-inclusive). Authors of
selected, top-rated papers from DEBS 2023 may be invited to submit an
extended version of their paper to a journal special issue. Check the
conference website for updates on this matter. All submissions must be
original, unpublished and cannot be under review for another publishing
forum during the time it is under submission to DEBS. The conference adopts
a double-blind review process for the research track, where neither authors
nor reviewers know each other’s identities. This means that papers or any
other material must not list or otherwise identify the authors. References
to previous work should be done in the third person so as to not reveal the
identities of the authors. Submissions that are not anonymous may be
rejected without review. Submissions to the research track will be
evaluated by the Research Program Committee. The authors of accepted papers
will be given a choice between different copyright agreements, according to
ACM policies. The options will include opportunities for open access as
well as the traditional ACM copyright agreement. Submitted papers are
required to adhere to the two-column "sigplan" ACM conference proceeding
style, with a minimal font size of 10pt. Templates and examples in LaTeX
and various versions of Microsoft Word are available for download from
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template__;!!IBzWLUs!Syf_d4Cm-bQAtsmyXih4ZitaM6dmtTXc6CNblwyA2UOjw6CSPsRSDf3BmZ1IHEk2g6RJ7uyWJmB99Zb34D_BPy_5WTKsRoMl78yWNnUj$  **** Dual deadline
conditions **** DEBS 2023 adopts a dual-deadline model, with a submission
deadline in the Fall and another one in the Spring. Authors of papers
receiving a Reject decision for the Fall deadline are not allowed to
resubmit to the Spring deadline for DEBS 2023. There are, however, no
constraints for a resubmission to a future edition of DEBS. In specific
cases, the program committee may decide to offer a one-shot revision
decision for authors of papers submitted to the Fall deadline, that would
be considered promising but lacking in presentation or clarity. In this
case, authors will have the possibility to send an updated version to the
Spring deadline for reevaluation. Papers must be submitted using the HotCRP
system using one of the following links: - Fall cycle:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://debs2023-fall.hotcrp.com/__;!!IBzWLUs!Syf_d4Cm-bQAtsmyXih4ZitaM6dmtTXc6CNblwyA2UOjw6CSPsRSDf3BmZ1IHEk2g6RJ7uyWJmB99Zb34D_BPy_5WTKsRoMl7ytY7nQP$  - Spring cycle:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://debs2023-spring.hotcrp.com/__;!!IBzWLUs!Syf_d4Cm-bQAtsmyXih4ZitaM6dmtTXc6CNblwyA2UOjw6CSPsRSDf3BmZ1IHEk2g6RJ7uyWJmB99Zb34D_BPy_5WTKsRoMl72DuKDWe$  If you have any questions, please
contact the PC chairs, Bettina Kemme and Etienne Rivière, at the following
address: debs2023-chairs at uclouvain.be **** ACM policies **** By submitting
your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you
and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies [1],
including ACM's new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human
Participants and Subjects [2]. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM
Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full
retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per
ACM Publications Policy. [1] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.acm.org/publications/policies__;!!IBzWLUs!Syf_d4Cm-bQAtsmyXih4ZitaM6dmtTXc6CNblwyA2UOjw6CSPsRSDf3BmZ1IHEk2g6RJ7uyWJmB99Zb34D_BPy_5WTKsRoMl75H0uSsB$  [2]
Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can
complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been
involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to
collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors. The collection process
has started and will roll out as a requirement throughout 2022. We are
committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and
contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your
ORCID ID will help in these efforts.
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