[TYPES/announce] ISMM 2023 (colocated with PLDI): call for papers

Anders Miltner miltner at sfu.ca
Mon Feb 27 21:47:18 EST 2023

The 2023 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM 2023) is soliciting full-length submissions covering new work on all memory management related topics, as well as papers presenting confirmations or refutations of important prior results. In additional to regular papers, traditionally submitted to ISMM, we also invite submissions of the following kinds:

  *   Surveys and comparative analyses that shed new light on previously published techniques.
  *   Practitioner reports, describing experience with memory management in production. Such papers are not expected to provide novel research contributions, but they should not have been previously published.
  *   Intellectual abstracts, where researchers share designs, algorithms, or theory that may be interesting to the memory management community, but not yet evaluated.

Please indicate whether the paper is a regular paper, a survey, a practitioner report, or an intellectual abstract, by using a subtitle. For example, for a regular paper, include on of the following on the line below the title line: \subtitle{This submission is a regular paper}, \subtitle{This submission is a survey}, \subtitle{This submission is a practitioner report}, or \subtitle{This submission is an intellectual abstract}.

ISMM 2023 will be colocated with PLDI 2023<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://pldi23.sigplan.org/__;!!IBzWLUs!S4TlkDynrYgB9TFh76xWOuqX1vxpUwZqc7Xx3b_G5yK7nOXK7NLlp7f45hTxyvelFKnH4OWQedOLtBgtkKO5U6H0MdJesA$ > at FCRC’23<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fcrc.acm.org/__;!!IBzWLUs!S4TlkDynrYgB9TFh76xWOuqX1vxpUwZqc7Xx3b_G5yK7nOXK7NLlp7f45hTxyvelFKnH4OWQedOLtBgtkKO5U6GhcyuxpA$ >.

Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

  *   Garbage collection algorithms and implementations
  *   Memory allocation and de-allocation
  *   Memory system design and analysis
  *   Hardware support for memory management
  *   Memory management for large-scale data-intensive systems
  *   Novel memory architectures
  *   Memory management at datacenter and cloud scales
  *   Formal analysis and verification of memory management algorithms
  *   Compiler analyses to aid memory management
  *   Tools to analyze memory usage of programs
  *   Empirical analysis of memory intensive programs
  *   Formal analysis and verification of memory intensive programs
  *   Memory management for machine learning systems
  *   Programming and management of emerging or persistent memories

The symposium welcomes industry practitioners presenting their recent practice and findings in memory management related to real-world deployments.

Deadline: This Friday, March 3, 2023
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