[TYPES/announce] PhD Studentships in Formalising CS/Maths at King's College London

Mohammad Abdulaziz mohammad.abdulaziz8 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 6 07:33:04 EST 2023

There are a number of available PhD studentships in the general areas of 
formalisation of theoretical computer science in proof assistants, with 
potential applications to AI and social welfare, at King's College London.

Two of the positions are at the Centre for Doctoral Training on Safe AI, 
which is a cohort-based PhD programme run jointly by King's College 
London and Imperial College London. They are described in the following 
two links:



The descriptions are just indicative of what could be done, but you can 
shape the project based on your preference. Deadline for those positions 
is 3 April.

There are also other possibilities for pursuing a fully funded PhD if 
you have interest in the verification of algorithms, formalisation of 
complexity theory, formalisation of mathematics, or algorithms and 
theory for AI planning. More details can be found on my website:


If you are interested in any of these positions please email 
mohammad.abdulaziz at kcl.ac.uk

Best wishes,
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