[TYPES/announce] Final CFP Post-Proceedings - Linearity & TLLA 2022 (Open Call)

D. Ventura ventura at ufg.br
Tue Mar 21 09:19:27 EDT 2023

*                             CFP Post-Proceedings (Open Call)*
                        3rd Third Joint International Workshop on
                 Linearity and Trends in Linear Logic and Applications
                                *Linearity & TLLA 2022*

Linearity & TLLA aims at bringing together researchers who are currently
theory and applications of linear calculi or use linear logic as a
technical tool or
a methodological guideline, to foster their interaction and provide a forum
presenting new ideas and work in progress, and enabling newcomers to learn
current activities in this area.

Linearity & TLLA 2022 was held on July 31 - August 1, 2022 --as a two-day
event of FLoC 2022 affiliated with the FSCD 2022-- at Haifa, Israel. *The
post-proceedings *
*volume will be published as an EPTCS issue* (https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.eptcs.org/__;!!IBzWLUs!WE5D9Q31AMSIVnO8KCI59G3d7_shc-ko7jrnv_FLU8BDArxaFlEOOUZylFrCCBuI4nstug3EdTtEMZkQ3q_4u39kp6K9vw$ ).

Post-proceedings submissions are open to everyone under the same workshop
New results, not published or submitted elsewhere, that make central use of
ranging from foundational work to applications in any field, are welcome.
More exploratory
presentations, which may examine open questions and raise fundamental
concerns about
existing theories and practices, are also welcome.

Papers should be written in English, using the EPTCS style files (
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://style.eptcs.org/__;!!IBzWLUs!WE5D9Q31AMSIVnO8KCI59G3d7_shc-ko7jrnv_FLU8BDArxaFlEOOUZylFrCCBuI4nstug3EdTtEMZkQ3q_4u3967gU68A$ )
*with up to 12 pages excluding bibliography*, and submitted in PDF format.
*Submission* is
through the EasyChair website:


*Topics* *of interest include*:
- theory of programming languages
- type systems
- verification
- models of computation:
 + categorical models
 + quantum and probabilistic models
 + biological and chemical models
- games and languages
- proof theory
- parallelism and concurrency
- linear logic methods in computer science
- implicit computational complexity
- sub-linear logics
- interaction-based systems
- categories and algebra
- connections with combinatorics
- functional analysis and operator algebras
- logic and philosophy
- linguistics


* *Submission deadline*: *March 10 April** 2 **2023*
* *Author notification*: *April 28 May** 8 **2023*
* *Final version*: *May 19 **May 29 **2023*

*(Guest) EDITORS*

+ Laurent Regnier (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.i2m.univ-amu.fr/perso/laurent.regnier/__;!!IBzWLUs!WE5D9Q31AMSIVnO8KCI59G3d7_shc-ko7jrnv_FLU8BDArxaFlEOOUZylFrCCBuI4nstug3EdTtEMZkQ3q_4u3-hrzmYHw$ ),
  Université d’Aix-Marseille, France
+ Daniel Ventura (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ww2.inf.ufg.br/*daniel/__;fg!!IBzWLUs!WE5D9Q31AMSIVnO8KCI59G3d7_shc-ko7jrnv_FLU8BDArxaFlEOOUZylFrCCBuI4nstug3EdTtEMZkQ3q_4u39YOLPwVw$ ),
  Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil
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