[TYPES/announce] FM Teaching Tutorial on March 31, 3 pm CEST --> Prof Emil Sekerinski (McMaster University, Canada): Teaching Concurrent Programming

Luigia Petre Luigia.Petre at abo.fi
Fri Mar 24 17:54:01 EDT 2023

Dear all,

The Formal Methods Teaching tutorials series resumes in 2023 with a lecture on Friday, March 31!

Prof. Emil Sekerinski (McMaster University, Canada) will lecture on Teaching Concurrent Programming on Friday, March 31, 2023 at 3 pm CEST. An abstract for his talk comes below:

The education in programming has in a certain sense deteriorated since the 80’s and 90’s: programming languages and environments, as common in industry and to which students are exposed in Computer Science, Software Engineering,
and related programs, have become complex. Mastering them consumes students to an extent that courses cannot decouple the (timeless) principles of programming from the (short-lived) specifics of the programming environments
at hand; the mathematical background on program design is often not taught. This is particularly critical for concurrent programming, which has become increasingly relevant but cannot be mastered without a theoretical background. The author has been developing course material for a required 3rd year Software Engineering course at McMaster University, Concurrent System Design with around 170 students, since 2018 to address that issue by web-based interactive notebooks using Jupyter that combine explanations, the mathematical theory, and execution of programs directly in the notebooks.
Correctness reasoning, including non-interference of processes, is explained through hierarchical state diagrams. This talk gives an overview of the course material, which is available as an open educational resource, and reports on
the experience.

More information about our lecturer can be found here:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.cas.mcmaster.ca/*emil/__;fg!!IBzWLUs!QkvrxcjSSJu9cqPpA1UUnn5To4BIWtEBuvXYqwq1rwiRSeWTf6aON7jUg1wDQnHjWlIX1fwsME1MGAic5wK3_yOx6C8K8TIWjMut$ .

The zoom link for Emil' lecture is https://aboakademi.zoom.us/j/64254430116.

The event will last about an hour.

Warmly welcome!!

Best wishes,

PS: the tutorial series webpage is below; we have speakers planned until June!
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fme-teaching.github.io/2021/08/24/tutorial-series-of-the-fme-teaching-committee/__;!!IBzWLUs!QkvrxcjSSJu9cqPpA1UUnn5To4BIWtEBuvXYqwq1rwiRSeWTf6aON7jUg1wDQnHjWlIX1fwsME1MGAic5wK3_yOx6C8K8ahGuGMC$ .

Luigia Petre, Docent, PhD
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Åbo Akademi University, Finland
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