[TYPES/announce] MSCA Postodoc on Reversible Computing @ University of Bologna, Italy

ivan.lanese ivan.lanese at gmail.com
Tue Apr 18 09:36:44 EDT 2023

University of Bologna (Italy) is encouraging young researchers to
apply for a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships with University of Bologna
as host institution. This is a very prestigious and well-rewarded but 
also very selective form of postdoc. All information on MSCA Postdoctoral 
Fellowships can be found at:


I am particularly interested in supervising future applicants (and
work with them towards an application) in the area of reversible
computing and reversible debugging. Reversible computing allows a
program to execute both forward and backward, and it found a natural
application in the exploration of an execution forward and backward
looking for a bug. The technique is used in mainstream debuggers such
as GDB and WinDBG. Other application areas can also be considered.

If you are interested or would like to have more information feel free
to contact me.


  	Ivan Lanese

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