[TYPES/announce] Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Chalmers University of Technology

Ana Bove bove at chalmers.se
Mon May 15 05:53:37 EDT 2023

TheComputer Science and Engineering departmentat Chalmers University of 
Technology, Sweden,is currently seeking applications for the (tenure 
track) position of *Assistant Professor in Computer Science*.

The Computing Science Division 
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.chalmers.se/en/departments/cse/our-research/computing-science/__;!!IBzWLUs!VWlhODSqCiXM9Og-QHO5rs74tInOarspSjww7rk3aG0Oc7TkuhJer9b0FyTl8wuKDMX-pEWqeOcyD-ocyyydurYazXlbsw$ > 
is recruiting an Assistant Professor. The position is open to qualified 
applicants with research and teaching excellence in any area broadly 
covered by the Division, such as programming languages, cybersecurity 
and privacy, natural language processing, formal methods, logic, and 
type theory. Our research spans the whole spectrum of computer science, 
from theoretical foundations to application areas. We have extensive 
national and international collaboration with academia and industry all 
around the world.****

The full details of the position, including the application procedure 
and deadline, can be found onourwebsite:

Assistant Professor Position in Computer Science 
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://web103.reachmee.com/ext/I003/304/job?site=2&lang=SE&validator=a88010a77db86763b030e23bda1bd2ba&job_id=11766__;!!IBzWLUs!VWlhODSqCiXM9Og-QHO5rs74tInOarspSjww7rk3aG0Oc7TkuhJer9b0FyTl8wuKDMX-pEWqeOcyD-ocyyydurYuUwnmTw$ >

Please do now hesitate to contact me or any of my colleagues if you have 
any questions regarding the position, the department or any other 
matter. We would be very happy to help you in any way we can!

Yours sincerely

-- Ana Bove, Docent
Phone: (46)(31) 772 1020
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Chalmers Univ. of Technology and Univ. of Gothenburg
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