[TYPES/announce] Doctoral Researcher / PhD Student / Postdoc Position

Andre Platzer aplatzer at cs.cmu.edu
Thu May 25 14:19:47 EDT 2023

The group of André Platzer, the Alexander von Humboldt Professor for Logic of Autonomous Dynamical Systems, in the Computer Science Department at KIT, Karlsruhe, is recruiting a PhD Student / Doctoral Researcher (full-time, about €4200-€4800 gross by TVL E13 depending on experience). Exceptionally qualified applicants for postdoc positions may be considered as well. Our research group develops the logical foundations for cyber-physical systems and practical theorem proving tools such as KeYmaera X for analyzing and correctly building such systems. Our techniques are used to analyze the safety of autonomous cars, airplanes and collision avoidance protocols in aerospace applications, robotics, and train control as well as for provably safe AI. Your exciting mathematical research can have a direct impact on making the world a better place.

More details:


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