[TYPES/announce] PhD and Post-doctoral Positions Available in Formal Methods for Reversible Concurrent Calculi

Clément Aubert Clement.Aubert at math.cnrs.fr
Thu Jun 1 13:44:00 EDT 2023

This is a gentle reminder that the dead-line for the PhD position is 
today (June 1st).
Applications will be considered until the position is filled, though.



Candidates interested in a PhD in formal and algebraic methods for 
concurrent, reversible computation in Augusta University (Georgia, USA), 
starting in January 2024 are invited to apply by June 1st, 2023. A 
post-doctoral position will open shortly after, but interested 
candidates should feel encouraged to reach out to 
<clement.aubert at math.cnrs.fr> informally.

In addition to accepting applications, I will be very happy to respond 
to informal inquiries about any aspect of the position, from technical 
ones to ones about life in the US "Garden City".

Thanks for forwarding this offer or the link 
<https://spots.augusta.edu/caubert/research/cinrc/phd_ad.html> to 
potentially interested candidates.

Expanded version (PhD position)

The Concurrency In Reversible Computations (<https://github.com/CinRC>) 
project is actively seeking a PhD student to fund starting Spring 2024. 
The funding for an admitted PhD student includes waiver of most tuition 
(only $25--$640 / semester is due by the student), a stipend ($29K / 
year), health benefits for the individual, (international) conference 
travel and possibly equipment (laptop). Funding is currently available 
for the first three years of the appointment through a new NSF funded 
project (<https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2242786>).

The main goals of this project are to improve existing process calculi 
formalizing reversible computations. In the past, reversible calculi 
have shed a new light on the correctness and adequation of CCS, 
π-calculus and other formalisms for concurrent computation, but they 
still miss crucial features. Contextual equivalences, observable 
behaviors, set of operators and infinite behavior, to name a few, are 
still in the flux and in need of formal definitions that adequately 
models interesting systems. The original project encompasses many 
different dimensions, and will be tailored based on mutual interests, 
capacities, and recent progresses.

The successful applicant will be advised by Clément Aubert, and benefit 
from an international network of collaborators, as well as from a local, 
lively, group of PhD students (including but not limited to students 
working on related formal methods). In addition, they will have the 
opportunity to help mentoring undergraduate research assistants if they 
wish to do so.

Interested students should meet the following:

    - Be interested in the overall project as stated above. A complete 
project description or selected publications are available upon request.
    - Have or are about to complete a Bachelor or (preferably) a Master 
of Science in Computer Science, Mathematics, or a related field 
(Computer Engineering, etc.).

The successful applicant will additionally need to be admitted to the 
PhD program by the school's review committee and the Graduate School, 
but will receive help in completing their application, which should only 
be a formality.

Students from all origins are welcome, and the University has support 
for issuing documents for student visa for the successful applicant and 
their family.

If you are interested in being considered for this opportunity please 
begin by contacting Clément Aubert (<clement.aubert at math.cnrs.fr>) with 
the following information:

    - A brief introduction of yourself and if you have conducted any 
research already.
    - CV/Resume.

    Applications will be reviewed starting June, 1st, 2023
    Interviews will be conducted in June 2023
    Successful applicant will be selected in July 2023
    Formal application to the PhD program will be due by September, 1st 2023

Expanded version (Post-doctoral position)

This NSF-funded project also includes funding for a post-doctoral 
researcher position. The duration of the position is initially one year, 
with guaranteed continuation by mutual agreement. The position will 
start at a mutually agreeable date, but probably not before July 2024. 
However, interested persons should feel encouraged to share their 
graduation plan or professional trajectory if they believe they can 
align particularly well with this project, in which case the starting 
date may be significantly shifted.

More information

    CinRC Project: <https://github.com/CinRC>
    Clément Aubert: <https://spots.augusta.edu/caubert/> (en) // 
<https://aubert.perso.math.cnrs.fr/> (fr)
    AU Programming Languages Reading Group: 
    AU PhD Program: <https://www.augusta.edu/ccs/phd-ccs.php>
    AU International and Postdoctoral Services Office: 
    AU Graduate Assistantship: 
    Cultural Life in Augusta: <https://www.sampleaugusta.com/>

      Clément Aubert, Assistant Professor of Computer Science,
      School of Computer and Cyber Sciences, Augusta University,

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