[TYPES/announce] DiλLL 2024 (Marseille, France) -- Early announcement

Lionel Vaux Auclair lionel.vaux at univ-amu.fr
Wed Jul 12 08:41:41 EDT 2023

                           Early announcement

  Differential λ-Calculus and Differential Linear Logic, 20 Years Later  
                              (DiλLL 2024)

                    Monday 13 -- Friday 17 May 2024
                    CIRM, Luminy, Marseille, France


Twenty years after the publication of Ehrhard and Regnier’s first seminal paper
on the subject [1], we are delighted to announce a conference on Differential
λ-calculus and Differential Linear Logic [2], nicknamed DiλLL 2024.

   [1] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://doi.org/10.1016/S0304-3975(03)00392-X__;!!IBzWLUs!VR8nd2WzkZ0Ak2HyylSo-i7dVOuBpWbSQStL_DaTS7c9MJndqKdKZnl-ncTKmPE45h0qCNXDql2G1LIG4WBxYpeLNXXco3Wx4jD2glkK$  
   [2] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://conferences.cirm-math.fr/2980.html__;!!IBzWLUs!VR8nd2WzkZ0Ak2HyylSo-i7dVOuBpWbSQStL_DaTS7c9MJndqKdKZnl-ncTKmPE45h0qCNXDql2G1LIG4WBxYpeLNXXco3Wx4mxhhV7M$ 

It will be held on 13--17 May 2024, in Luminy (Marseille, France), the campus
where this fruitful line of work started twenty years ago.

The programme will consist in a series of invited talks, a good proportion of
which will be tutorials, targeted at young researchers as well as
non-specialists. It will also include surveys of the main advances obtained in
the course of twenty years, as well as research talks on current topics.

We encourage physical participation at the CIRM, although remote attendance
will be possible. We will try to facilitate the attendance of young researchers
by offering grants for their full accommodation at the CIRM, and possibly
additional travel grants. The deadline for registration is not fixed yet, and
the practical details will be communicated later, but you can already save the

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to circulate it.

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