[TYPES/announce] PhD scholarships on blockchain & distributed ledger technology

emilio.tuosto at gssi.it emilio.tuosto at gssi.it
Fri Jul 14 03:53:40 EDT 2023

- Department of Computer Science of GSSI (Italy, https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cs.gssi.it__;!!IBzWLUs!QBy-2LuTCGnQ4XOC9PmsAy5kfXbPN3nYGWSksigdBMfj8R_E3S8Pc9QD95w0XPTiP3hJsbbL4MbQzLHwQJgKJAnekyag_jwakTvDIg$ )
- Research theme: specification and verification of smart contracts and decentralized applications
- Application Deadline: August 28, 2023 1PM CEST
- Contacts: Maurizio Murgia (maurizio.murgia at gssi.it) and Emilio Tuosto (emilio.tuosto at gssi.it)
- More details at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://isas.unicam.it/dni/phd-blockchain-dlt/how-apply__;!!IBzWLUs!QBy-2LuTCGnQ4XOC9PmsAy5kfXbPN3nYGWSksigdBMfj8R_E3S8Pc9QD95w0XPTiP3hJsbbL4MbQzLHwQJgKJAnekyag_jz5cIJUwQ$ 

The computer science department of the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI, recently ranked the first computer science department in the Italian evaluation exercise, https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.anvur.it/attivita/vqr/vqr-2015-2019/rapporto-finale-anvur-e-rapporti-di-area/sezione-rapporti-di-area/__;!!IBzWLUs!QBy-2LuTCGnQ4XOC9PmsAy5kfXbPN3nYGWSksigdBMfj8R_E3S8Pc9QD95w0XPTiP3hJsbbL4MbQzLHwQJgKJAnekyag_jw7BlLqkw$ ) co-funds a PhD scholarship in the context of the Italian national PhD program in Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology.

Research theme:
Smart contracts are computer programs running on a blockchain platform. They are usually employed to handle digital assets (cryptocurrencies, tokens,...), and hence smart contracts bugs can (and have) lead to severe economical losses. The aim of this PhD project is to develop new techniques for the design and implementation of safe smart contracts and decentralised applications. We plan to develop a formal model able to specify smart contracts behaviour at a high level of abstraction. Such specifications can then be analysed for correctness with standard techniques (model checking, static analysis,...). Compliance of the model with the actual smart contract code can be verified through type-checking or enforced through code-generation.
Perspective applicants can contact Maurizio Murgia
(maurizio.murgia at gssi.it) or Emilio Tuosto (emilio.tuosto at gssi.it).

Doctoral school:
The PhD School on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology is a new PhD program jointly managed by several research institutions and with administrative headquarters at the University of Camerino. The successful candidate will join the computer science department of the Gran Sasso Science Institute, recently ranked the first computer science department in the Italian evaluation exercise (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.anvur.it/attivita/vqr/vqr-2015-2019/rapporto-finale-anvur-e-rapporti-di-area/sezione-rapporti-di-area__;!!IBzWLUs!QBy-2LuTCGnQ4XOC9PmsAy5kfXbPN3nYGWSksigdBMfj8R_E3S8Pc9QD95w0XPTiP3hJsbbL4MbQzLHwQJgKJAnekyag_jwMaWvdMw$ ).

Eligibility & application:
Candidate are eligible provided that they will be awarded an MSc degree by the date of their enrolment in the PhD programme. Information and details about the application process are available at


Best Regards


    Emilio Tuosto

        Gran Sasso Science Institute
        Department of Computer Science
        ORCID: 0000-0002-7032-3281

        Viale F. Crispi, 7 - 67100 L'Aquila (Italy)
        Office: Palazzo Mariani P1-N
        Phone: +39 0862 428 0312

        homepage -> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cs.gssi.it/emilio.tuosto/__;!!IBzWLUs!QBy-2LuTCGnQ4XOC9PmsAy5kfXbPN3nYGWSksigdBMfj8R_E3S8Pc9QD95w0XPTiP3hJsbbL4MbQzLHwQJgKJAnekyag_jyQF3wDyA$ 


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