[TYPES/announce] Call for nominations for the new HaPoC Council

felice cardone felice at di.unito.it
Wed Jul 26 04:00:32 EDT 2023

[This announcement, though not directly related to types, is sent hoping that it may be of interest to some Types readers.]

As every two years, the Commission for the History and Philosophy of Computing, HaPoC (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://hapoc.org__;!!IBzWLUs!Q_wSHMuLomAtULB2HWh-TT6Z9cuTVY4LSw09XwhsZdSMndUTvQZwqD0xH99M3GjIZjGuHTLcQIDsA30mMwlvoPRUlcbOe30_$ ), announces its call for nominations for the new Council, to be elected during the next HaPoC Conference in Warsaw on October 18-20.

HaPoC’s Council consists of 10 councilors, among which are voted a new president-elect and a treasurer.

Nominations should be addressed to the Commission’s president at info at hapoc.org before August 18.

Following HaPoC’s bylaws, the election procedure shall be as follows:

(a) Any member of the commission can be nominated as a councilor. Nominations can be submitted by any member of the commission and shall be submitted to the president in writing. Nominations have to be received at least two months before the meeting of the commission. The president shall contact the nominee and find out whether he or she accepts the nomination. Acceptance is necessary for the nomination to become valid.

(b) If there are ten or fewer valid nominations, the president informs the council and the nominees are declared elected unopposed. If there are more than ten nominations, the president shall notify the council of this and an election will take place during the meeting of the commission. The election will take place by approval voting: each present member can approve as many of the nominees as they want. The ten nominees with the highest number of approval votes are elected. In the case of ties, a lot is cast.

(c) After the ten councilors are elected, they shall all declare whether they would accept an election for president-elect, treasurer, or president if the situation so requires. The members of the council then elect the president-elect, treasurer, and president if the situation so requires by approval vote. In the case of a tie, a lot is cast.

Any further questions concerning the election of HaPoC’s Council should be addressed at info at hapoc.org

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