[TYPES/announce] POPL 2024 - Call for Tutorials (deadline: 15 October)

Donaldson, Alastair F alastair.donaldson at imperial.ac.uk
Wed Jul 26 15:26:10 EDT 2023

Dear all

Please consider submitting a tutorial proposal to POPL 2024 - the call is below. We would be grateful if you could please circulate this call within your networks!


Ally Donaldson and John Wickerson
POPL 2024 Publicity Chairs

Call For Tutorials - POPL 2024


The 51st ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2024) will be held in London, United Kingdom.

POPL provides a forum for the discussion of fundamental principles and important innovations in the design, definition, analysis, transformation, implementation, and verification of programming languages, programming systems, and programming abstractions.

Tutorials for POPL 2024 are solicited on any topic relevant to the POPL community. We particularly encourage submissions of introductory tutorials that make the research presented at POPL more accessible to the participants.

Tutorials will be held on Monday, January 15, 2024. The expected length of a tutorial is 3 hours, including questions and discussion (Q&A).

Submission details:
- Deadline for submission: 15 October 2023
- Notification of acceptance: 25 October 2023

A tutorial proposal should provide the following information:
- Tutorial title
- Presenter(s), affiliation(s), and contact information
- 1-3 page description (for evaluation). This should include the objectives, topics to be covered, presentation approach, target audience, prerequisite knowledge, and if the tutorial was previously held, the location (i.e. which conference), date, and number of attendees if available.
- 1-2 paragraph abstract suitable for tutorial publicity.
- 1 paragraph biography suitable for tutorial publicity.

Proposal must be submitted in pdf or txt form by email to the associated events chairs Anders Miltner miltner at sfu.ca and Christoph Matheja chmat at dtu.dk.

Any query regarding POPL 2024 tutorial proposals should be addressed to the associated events chairs Anders Miltner miltner at sfu.ca and Christoph Matheja chmat at dtu.dk or to the general chair Philippa Gardner.

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