[TYPES/announce] Announcing the Pittsposium -- August 22-23 -- Cambridge, UK

Jamie Vicary jamie.vicary at cl.cam.ac.uk
Fri Jul 28 13:54:12 EDT 2023

Dear all,

We are delighted to announce an event in Cambridge, UK on August 22-23 to
celebrate Andy Pitts' distinguished career:

   - https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/events/pittsposium/__;!!IBzWLUs!VURkG07UqfG8yRT26QYdByhP1UvO6CsrtLt-2NY0Nmv8ncT2O_e8jkTHNWsKf_a3_1hNwBVGS8gLpykf-jpxmiUjp1NW9bBUWarndWVzrg$ 

Andy knows about the event, it is not a secret! We are sure the workshop
will be a memorable occasion with a wide variety of fascinating scientific
contributions. Members of the community are warmly invited to register and

On behalf of the organizers,
Roy Crole, Ian Stark and Jamie Vicary
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