[TYPES/announce] Call For Contributions: The Second Southeast Regional Programming Languages Seminar (SERPL)

Rusch, Neea NRUSCH at augusta.edu
Fri Aug 4 17:56:16 EDT 2023

Call For Contributions

The Second Southeast Regional Programming Languages Seminar (SERPL)

October 14, 2023, Augusta University, Augusta Georgia

More Information at:



The Southeast Regional Programming Languages Seminar (SERPL) seeks to
bring together researchers working in the design, analysis, and
application of programming languages to build new collaborations among
students and researchers.

SERPL consists of a full day of research talks from undergraduate and
graduate students and one keynote speaker.

We invite contributions in the form of student -- both undergraduate
and graduate -- research talks on topics related to programming
language research from theory to practice to interdisciplinary

We are extremely excited to announce that the keynote speaker is:

Jonathan Aldrich, Professor at Carnegie Mellon University.

=Travel Support=

SERPL is graciously supported by the National Science Foundation

We encourage applications for travel support to SERPL from students
anywhere in the US.

In addition, we have set aside a portion of our student travel awards
for funding undergraduate students, women, underrepresented
minorities, and LGBTQ+ people.

Student travel grant applications can be submitted at following address:


(unfortunately requires a google account -- please reach out if you do
not have one)

=Important Dates=

August 11, 2023 - Talk Abstracts Due
August 18, 2023 - Student Travel Grant Application Due
September 8, 2023 - Notification of Acceptance
September 8, 2023 - Student Travel Grant Notification
October 4, 2023 - Registration closes
October 14, 2023 - Seminar

=Submission Instructions=

Please submit, in the form of a single PDF file, a two page talk
abstract (not counting references).  Submissions should be prepared
using LaTeX using the author's favorite style with a font size of
no smaller than 11 points, and a margin of no smaller than one inch.

Submission is submitted via the EasyChair website, at


There will be no formal proceedings, but all abstracts and slides
will be posted on the SERPL website.


Harley Eades III (cochair), Computer and Cyber Sciences, Augusta University
Clément Aubert (cochair), Computer and Cyber Sciences, Augusta University
Peter Hanukaev (committee member), Computer and Cyber Sciences, Augusta University
Neea Rusch (committee member), Computer and Cyber Sciences, Augusta University

The chairs can be reached at <caubert at augusta.edu> and
<harley.eades at gmail.com>.


The National Science Foundation (NSF)
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