[TYPES/announce] ACM SIGLOG Research Highlights call for nominations

Liron Cohen cliron at bgu.ac.il
Thu Aug 17 11:09:39 EDT 2023

The Research Highlights section of the Communications of the ACM aims to provide readers with a collection of outstanding research articles, selected from the broad spectrum of computing-research conferences.

Starting this year, SIGLOG is an approved nominating organization for the Research Highlights section. Accordingly, the Research Highlights Committee of ACM SIGLOG is looking for nominations of high-quality papers from the past year in the areas related to SIGLOG that can be appreciated by the broader public of the computer science research community.

There are three key criteria for a good Research Highlights paper:
+ The work must be a strong, novel research contribution.
+ It should be of broad interest to the computing community. (This means the selection criterion is not necessarily the same as that for Best Papers and other awards, which can recognize papers that are quite narrow and focused on a very small community.)
+ Papers should have that little extra “pop” that sets them apart even from other strong results in their field. A nomination should suggest that you think a paper should be one of the most widely read papers in computer science.

It should be noted that a Research Highlights paper is not the “journal version” of a conference paper. Instead, it is essentially a reprint of the paper and does not preclude a later journal version.

There is no deadline for submitting nominations, but since it is the first year SIGLOG is participating in the Research Highlights, we would like to review initial nominations as early as possible.

Nominations can be made using this form<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_EzPU1yK8k3quGyHhiUpTt_OLqEiylgwJ12UaxUFuKqnMcw/viewform?usp=sf_link__;!!IBzWLUs!UAe0OUE_PLbhMEz5Vsk8yogbDhzpsF1uFA-kMTjA46S103wZF3E_LGgjzlNCDpk1vb8W11gCGhvvvz7_JC5r1HIWrSB0wBQ$ >.

We appreciate your cooperation and hope to see many SIGLOG papers published at the Research Highlights section of the Communications of the ACM!
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