[TYPES/announce] CCC 2023 - call for participation

Norbert Müller mueller at uni-trier.de
Sat Aug 26 09:23:40 EDT 2023


CCC 2023: 
Continuity, Computability, Constructivity – From Logic to  Algorithms

Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University

Kyoto, Japan, September 25 - 29, 2023

Participation can be online or in person and is free of charge.

A link for the registration can be found on the following conference website:

Please register early, so that we can confirm the number of participants.

Deadline for registration: September 13


Topics: constructive mathematics, constructive analysis, computable analysis, 
exact real number computation

CCC is a workshop series that brings together researchers applying logical 
methods to the development of algorithms, with a particular focus on 
computation with infinite data, where issues of continuity, computability and 
constructivity play major roles. Specific topics include exact real number 
computation, computable analysis, effective descriptive set theory, 
constructive analysis, and related areas. The overall aim is to apply logical 
methods in these disciplines to provide a sound foundation for obtaining exact 
and provably correct algorithms for computations with real numbers and other 
continuous data, which are of increasing importance in safety critical 
applications and scientific computation.


Invited Speakers:

    Johanna Franklin (Hofstra University, USA)
    Alexander G. Melnikov (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)
    Takako Nemoto (Tohoku University, Sendai, JP)
    Siegfried M. Rump (Hamburg University of Technology, DE)
    Linda Westrick (Penn State University, USA)


Programme Committee

    Ulrich Berger (Swansea, UK)
    Daniel Graça (Faro, Portugal)
    Takayuki Kihara (Nagoya, Japan)
    Milly Maietti (Padua, Italy)
    Norbert Müller (Trier, Germany) (chair)
    Sewon Park (Kyoto, Japan)
    Svetlana Selivanova (Novosibirsk, Russia)
    Chuangjie Xu (Munich, Germany)
    Martin Ziegler (KAIST, Republic of Korea)

Organizing Committee

    Matthew de Brecht (Kyoto, Japan)
    Akitoshi Kawamura (Kyoto, Japan) (co-chair)
    Sewon Park (Kyoto, Japan)
    Holger Thies (Kyoto, Japan) (co-chair)
    Hideki Tsuiki (Kyoto, Japan)
    Takao Yuyama (Kyoto, Japan)

apl.Prof. Dr. Norbert Müller
FB IV * Informatik * Universität Trier * D-54286 Trier (Germany)
mailto:mueller at uni-trier.de * https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.uni-trier.de/*mueller/__;fg!!IBzWLUs!VgfmxwB_9q3xcQb_6zO1BSQx_HGhZom5vfz4O7WaMz050ZCW9qQtoRlfjBA8cjW7RE9EnYHIJ78zSIrPcXiujxEd7wuMHp-3MYM$ 

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