[TYPES/announce] The 2nd International Workshop on Formal Analysis and Verification of Post-Quantum Cryptographic Protocols: Call for Papers

TRAN Dinh Duong duongtd at jaist.ac.jp
Thu Aug 24 13:33:12 EDT 2023


The 2nd International Workshop on Formal Analysis and Verification of
Post-Quantum Cryptographic Protocols, 2023
(FAVPQC 2023)

This is an ICFEM 2023 (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://formal-analysis.com/icfem/2023/__;!!IBzWLUs!UAuFsdxmYV3Bg9bHUsUtF2JL59JWkStKhcCibkZ3vXpUy9yD5q82jj8qj5Y00e_qm9dafAzInLpPndDiPGWzxb1vAl55JjTWBVw$ ) satellite
Brisbane, Australia, November 21, 2023

Post-quantum cryptographic protocols refer to those replacements
of classical cryptographic protocols as a precaution against
future attacks from quantum computers. This has been motivated
by the fact that the public-key cryptosystems used today will be
no longer secure under large-scale quantum computers, which
are promisingly becoming available in the near future because of
the huge research and development investment. Significant efforts
have been spent to standardize post-quantum cryptographic
primitives and protocols, especially after the Post-quantum
Cryptography Standardization Project started by NIST
(https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/post-quantum-cryptography__;!!IBzWLUs!UAuFsdxmYV3Bg9bHUsUtF2JL59JWkStKhcCibkZ3vXpUy9yD5q82jj8qj5Y00e_qm9dafAzInLpPndDiPGWzxb1vAl55_kIaTq0$ ).
Therefore, security analysis/verification of those post-quantum
cryptographic protocols is an important factor in the construction
of the finally secure cryptosystems.

Following the successful workshop last year in Spain,
this year, the 2nd workshop will be held in Brisbane, Australia.


Authors are invited to submit papers describing original and
unpublished work somehow related to formal analysis and
verification of post-quantum cryptographic protocols. Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:

- Post-quantum cryptsystems
- Post-quantum cryptographic protocols
- Logics of quantum computing/algorithms/programs
- Formal analysis/verification of those related to the above-mentioned


Proceedings shall be submitted to CEUR-WS.org for online
publication. Therefore, authors are supposed to use the CEUR-ART
template style for preparing papers. In addition to regular
papers (12 - 16 pages), authors are also recommended to submit
short papers (6 - 8 pages), such as work-in-progress ones and
tool demonstration ones. Papers submitted as regular papers may
be accepted as short papers.


Submissions must be uploaded to the following EasyChair website:


- Paper submission due: September 29, 2023 (AoE)
- Notification: October 13, 2023
- Camera-ready: October 27, 2023


- Sedat Akleylek, Ondokuz Mayis University/University of Tartu,
- Santiago Escobar, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
- Kazuhiro Ogata, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
- Ayoub Otmani, University of Rouen Normandie, France
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