[TYPES/announce] prefaculty / postdoc researcher in type systems at Jane Street

Richard Eisenberg lists at richarde.dev
Fri Sep 1 16:50:16 EDT 2023

It's my pleasure to share that Jane Street has opened up a visiting position to work with the type systems team here at improving and formalizing various aspects of our extensions to OCaml. This position is envisioned to sit between graduation from a PhD program and the start of a tenure-track professorship at a research institution. Candidates might already have a faculty offer in hand and be taking a gap year, or they might be seeking a more traditional postdoc. The visit can last one or two years. It will be research-focused, with a goal of publishing several papers in top venues. The visitor will be able to see firsthand how language improvements affect the users all around us in our office. This will be a great opportunity at combining the theoretical and practical aspects of research in our field.

Full details and next steps are at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.janestreet.com/join-jane-street/programs-and-events/visiting-researcher-prefaculty/__;!!IBzWLUs!Xo6x53jOhS4-5gdC2o16s8JU2fNJFmX9OyFhI_gdMZadLW90eNNo8BpJdLXzK2PjGrlUrgE1x272LH14aemzUUVK-hUIjGTb$  <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.janestreet.com/join-jane-street/programs-and-events/visiting-researcher-prefaculty/__;!!IBzWLUs!Xo6x53jOhS4-5gdC2o16s8JU2fNJFmX9OyFhI_gdMZadLW90eNNo8BpJdLXzK2PjGrlUrgE1x272LH14aemzUUVK-hUIjGTb$ >

I'll be supervising this position. Happy to answer any questions over email or in person at ICFP!

Richard Eisenberg
Compiler engineer @ Jane Street
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