[TYPES/announce] 2 year postdoc in Tallinn - compositional approaches in cryptography and/or cybersecurity

Pawel Sobocinski sobocinski at gmail.com
Mon Sep 25 08:23:53 EDT 2023

Dear all,

I would like to advertise a two year postdoc job in my group at the Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. The application deadline is October 31, 2023 and the position will start in January 2024.

This position would ideal for a recent PL theory PhD who is interested in learning about category theory and applying their knowledge in cryptography and cybersecurity. More details can be found at the link below.

The successful applicant will also be expected to take part in the activities of the Chess project (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://chess-eu.cs.ut.ee/__;!!IBzWLUs!VKfXA9Oq-X3YeHUMpkrj4pgxWMWEpEjDYnJGPFAVCzFKhTfzNq47Q7s72fmAuMb1RCHKR3UTqKGp2vo1xDss4wgjSqXkhZAZCw$ ) which is financing the position.

Feel free to reach out to me with further enquiries. 


Best wishes,
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