[TYPES/announce] APLAS 2023: Second Call for Participation

Sato, Ryosuke rsato at is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Tue Oct 17 20:07:51 EDT 2023

Early registration deadline: 25 October 2023

21st Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2023)
Taipei, Taiwan, Sun 26 – Wed 29 November 2023


The 21st Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and
Systems (APLAS) aims to stimulate programming language
research by providing a forum for the presentation of
the latest results and the exchange of ideas in programming
languages and systems. APLAS is based in Asia but is an
international forum that serves the worldwide programming
languages community. This year’s conference is co-located
with Agda Implementors’ Meeting XXXVII.

APLAS 2023 will be held in Taipei, Taiwan from Monday 27th
to Wednesday 29th November 2023. Before the main conference,
the New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER) workshop will be
held on Sunday 26th November 2023. There is also a student
research competition and an associated poster session.

# Participation

Registration information is available at the homepage:


Early registration deadline: 25 October 2023. Please
register soon!

# Keynote Speakers

 * Hakjoo Oh, Korea University.
 * Bow-Yaw Wang, Academia Sinica.

A third keynote speaker will be announced soon.

# Accepted Papers

 * A Diamond Machine for Strong Evaluation.
   Beniamino Accattoli (Inria & École Polytechnique), and
   Pablo Barenbaum (National University of Quilmes (CONICET) &
   University of Buenos Aires).

 * Oracle Computability and Turing Reducibility in the
   Calculus of Inductive Constructions.
   Yannick Forster (Inria),
   Dominik Kirst (Ben-Gurion University), and
   Niklas Mück (Saarland University).

 * m-CFA Exhibits Perfect Stack Precision.
   Kimball Germane (Brigham Young University).

 * Typed Non-determinism in Functional and Concurrent Calculi.
   Bas van den Heuvel (University of Groningen),
   Joseph W. N. Paulus (University of Groningen),
   Daniele Nantes-Sobrinho (University of Brasília and
     Imperial College London), and
   Jorge Perez (University of Groningen)

 * Argument Reduction of Constrained Horn Clauses Using
   Equality Constraints.
   Ryo Ikeda (The University of Tokyo),
   Ryosuke Sato (The University of Tokyo), and
   Naoki Kobayashi (The University of Tokyo).

 * Transport via Partial Galois Connections and Equivalences.
   Kevin Kappelmann (Technical University of Munich).

 * Incorrectness Proofs for Object-Oriented Programs via
   Subclass Reflection.
   Wenhua Li (National University Singapore),
   Quang Loc Le (University College London),
   Yahui Song (National University of Singapore), and
   Wei-Ngan Chin (National University of Singapore).

 * Types and Semantics for Extensible Data Types.
   Cas van der Rest (Delft University of Technology), and
   Casper Bach Poulsen (Delft University of Technology).

 * Experimenting with an Intrinsically-typed Probabilistic
   Programming Language in Coq.
   Ayumu Saito (Tokyo Institute of Technology),
   Reynald Affeldt (National Institute of Advanced Industrial,
     and Science and Technology (AIST)).

 * TorchProbe: Fuzzing Dynamic Deep Learning Compilers.
   Qidong Su (University of Toronto / Vector Institute),
   Chuqin Geng (McGill University),
   Gennady Pekhimenko (University of Toronto / Vector
     Institute), and
   Xujie Si (University of Toronto)

 * What Types are Needed for Typing Dynamic Objects?
   A Python-based Empirical Study.
   Ke Sun (Peking University),
   Sheng Chen (University of Louisiana at Lafayette),
   Meng Wang (University of Bristol), and
   Dan Hao(Peking University).

 * Compilation Semantics for a Programming Language with
   Yudai Tanabe (Kyoto University),
   Luthfan Anshar Lubis (Tokyo Institute of Technology),
   Tomoyuki Aotani (Sanyo-Onoda City University), and
   Hidehiko Masuhara (Tokyo Institute of Technology).

 * A Fresh Look at Commutativity: Free Algebraic Structures
   via Fresh Lists.
   Sean Watters (University of Strathclyde),
   Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg (University of Strathclyde), and
   Clemens Kupke (University of Strathclyde).

 * Proofs as Terms, Terms as Graphs.
   Jui-Hsuan Wu (Institut Polytechnique de Paris).

 * Towards a Framework for Developing Verified Assemblers
   for the ELF Format.
   Jinhua Wu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University),
   Yuting Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University),
   Meng Sun (Shanghai Jiao Tong University),
   Xiangzhe Xu (Purdue University), and
   Yichen Song (Shanghai Jiao Tong University).

# NIER Workshop

 * λGT: A Functional Language with Graphs as First-Class Data
   Kazunori Ueda and Jin Sano

 * Environment-Friendly Monadic Equational Reasoning for OCaml
   Jacques Garrigue, Reynald Affeldt and Takafumi Saikawa

 * Counterfactual Explanations for Sequential Models through
   Computational Complexity
   Anthony Widjaja Lin

 * Bottom-Up Construction of Sublist Trees
   Shin-Cheng Mu

 * A Neural-Network-Guided Approach to Program Verification
   and Synthesis
   Naoki Kobayashi


 * [Non-SRC] Encoding MELL Cut Elimination into a Hierarchical
    Graph Rewriting Language
    Kento Takyu, Kazunori Ueda

 * [Non-SRC] Towards a Programming Paradigm Approach for
   AI-Assisted Software Development
   YungYu Zhuang, Wei-Hsin Yen, Yin-Jung Huang

 * [SRC] Multiple Screen States for Programming with Small Screens
   Jin Ishikawa

 * [SRC] Relational Hoare Logic for Comparing Nondeterministic
   Programs and Probabilistic Programs through a Categorical
   Kazuki Matsuoka

 * [SRC] Separate Compilation for Compositional Programming
   via Extensible Records
   Yaozhu Sun

 * [SRC] Type-Safe Auto-Completion of Incomplete Polymorphic Programs
   Yong Qi Foo


General Chair:
   Shin-Cheng Mu, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Program Chair:
   Chung-Kil Hur, Seoul National University, Korea

Publicity Chair:
   Ryosuke Sato, University of Tokyo, Japan

SRC and Posters Chair:
   Hsiang-Shang ‘Josh’ Ko, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Program Committee:

 * Soham Chakraborty, TU Delft, Netherlands
 * Yu-Fang Chen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
 * Ronghui Gu, Columbia University, USA
 * Ichiro Hasuo, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
 * Ralf Jung, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
 * Ohad Kammar, University of Edinburgh, UK
 * Jeehoon Kang, KAIST, Korea
 * Jieung Kim, Inha University, Korea
 * Robbert Krebbers, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
 * Ori Lahav, Tel Aviv University, Israel
 * Doug Lea, State University of New York at Oswego, USA
 * Woosuk Lee, Hanyang University, Korea
 * Hongjin Liang, Nanjing University, China
 * Nuno P. Lopes, University of Lisbon, Portugal
 * Chandrakana Nandi, Certora and UW, USA
 * Liam O'Connor, The University of Edinburgh, UK
 * Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
 * Jihyeok Park, Korea University, Korea
 * Clément Pit-Claudel, EPFL, Switzerland
 * Matthieu Sozeau, Inria, France
 * Kohei Suenaga, Kyoto University, Japan
 * Tarmo Uustalu, Reykjavik University, Iceland
 * John Wickerson, Imperial College London, UK
 * Danfeng Zhang, Penn State University, USA

Posters Selection Committee

 * Jacques Garrigue, Nagoya University, Japan
 * Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford, UK
 * Chih-Duo Hong, University of Oxford, UK
 * Oleg Kiselyov, Tohoku University, Japan
 * Akimasa Morihata, University of Tokyo, Japan
 * Dominic Orchard, University of Kent, UK and
   University of Cambridge, UK
 * Taro Sekiyama, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
 * Chung-chieh Shan, Indiana University, United States
 * Youngju Song, MPI-SWS, Germany
 * Tachio Terauchi, Waseda University, Japan
 * Chuangjie Xu, Sonar Source, Germany

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