[TYPES/announce] Several post-doc positions at GSSI

emilio.tuosto at gssi.it emilio.tuosto at gssi.it
Sat Nov 18 04:07:20 EST 2023

# Highlights
- 1 postdoc position on formal methods for provably correct protocols for decentralised circular economy funded by the Italian PNRR PRIN 2022 project DeLICE
- two positions for general profiles in Computer Science not related to specific projects
- 8 positions related to other projects
- Gross salary: 45K EUR/year
- Deadline: December 14, 2023 - 3pm (Italian time zone)

The official call is available at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.gssi.it/albo-ufficiale-online-gssi/item/download/4668_6b6194ff027a41cf30fcecdaa567bb15__;!!IBzWLUs!UCGSuZiFk9X_UeP4mZuyCYsPHm3zDj7L1KxUoIoUbcBBVX1Xkxm0oxHdjpf5i1oKJoVmjhHrg14itSx0t7eKEwgjhl7K8zBTjgQ2FQ$ 
See pages 3-6 of the official call for details on the specific positions and pages 8-9 for information on benefits, requirements, and the application and selection procedures.

The details for the prospective applicants for the position funded by the Italian PNRR PRIN 2022 project DeLICE are summarised below (do not hesitate to email me at emilio.tuosto at gssi.it if you're interested in this project or one of the positions not related to any project).

DeLICE offers the possibility to interact with the research groups involved in the projection (the University of Cagliari and the University of Sassari), their international research partners, and with mainstream blockchain foundations (e.g., Ethereum Foundation, IOTA Foundation). The duration of the contract is 24 months, starting from early 2024 (subject to funding, the contract can be extended).

Expected skills/expertise are blockchain technologies, smart contracts, decentralised finance, formal methods for modelling and verification, logics.


    Emilio Tuosto

        Gran Sasso Science Institute
        Department of Computer Science
        ORCID: 0000-0002-7032-3281

        Viale F. Crispi, 7 - 67100 L'Aquila (Italy)
        Office: Palazzo Mariani P1-N
        Phone: +39 0862 428 0312

        homepage -> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cs.gssi.it/emilio.tuosto/__;!!IBzWLUs!UCGSuZiFk9X_UeP4mZuyCYsPHm3zDj7L1KxUoIoUbcBBVX1Xkxm0oxHdjpf5i1oKJoVmjhHrg14itSx0t7eKEwgjhl7K8zDXOTLZMQ$ 


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