[TYPES/announce] Fully-funded PhD positions at ISTA in the area of Programming Languages and Verification

Michael Sammler Michael.Sammler at ist.ac.at
Fri Dec 15 07:46:30 EST 2023

Hi everyone,

I am excited to offer two fully-funded PhD positions at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) on the outskirts of Vienna for motivated and capable students in the area of Programming Languages and Verification (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ista.ac.at/en/research/sammler-group/__;!!IBzWLUs!QbPmFpVmGTbuk9WWTZ98h6Bsebu9RtNaxWEOYJMDGRhk2ddJZr9nAymfQaUI3izIeAvy6W2kJhksrQG1-rD_aZGTiisrY_UStJ_QFNpaTpk$ ).  The research of my group centers around the theoretical and practical challenges of verifying realistic low-level code, with a focus on verification techniques based on proof assistants like Coq and separation logics like Iris. Experience with proof assistants,  separation logic, and/or low-level systems development is greatly appreciated.

ISTA offers internationally competitive salaries, full health benefits, and subsidized on-campus housing in the first year. Students with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a relevant field are encouraged to apply. The deadline for PhD applications is January  8, 2024 for a start date in September 2024.

For more information about the research and the PhD positions, please contact me directly at michael.sammler at ist.ac.at. For additional information about the application process and the ISTA PhD program, you can also visit the website https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://phd.ista.ac.at/__;!!IBzWLUs!QbPmFpVmGTbuk9WWTZ98h6Bsebu9RtNaxWEOYJMDGRhk2ddJZr9nAymfQaUI3izIeAvy6W2kJhksrQG1-rD_aZGTiisrY_UStJ_Q_eHQ8U8$ .  Applications should be submitted through https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://phd.ista.ac.at/__;!!IBzWLUs!QbPmFpVmGTbuk9WWTZ98h6Bsebu9RtNaxWEOYJMDGRhk2ddJZr9nAymfQaUI3izIeAvy6W2kJhksrQG1-rD_aZGTiisrY_UStJ_Q_eHQ8U8$ .

Best regards,
Michael Sammler

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