[TYPES/announce] Two PhD scholarships in formal methods at ANU
Nisansala Yatapanage
yatapanage at gmail.com
Mon Dec 25 23:37:35 EST 2023
Two PhD scholarships are available at The Australian National University,
for the following areas:
Verification of Non-blocking Concurrent Algorithms (see the full project
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.findaphd.com/phds/project/verification-of-non-blocking-concurrent-algorithms/?p167206__;!!IBzWLUs!TrLtdQHuz7PWFhR9x12uSqeJXUlOXkKuc5WliFpSYmYsFlf0iBPGXqlXO-Wdwj17sd7h72kAFU6Kej_1BmXqnnaUSECWlLwhBw$ >
Verification of Safety-Critical Systems using Rely/Guarantee (see the full
project details
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.findaphd.com/phds/project/verification-of-safety-critical-systems-using-rely-guarantee/?p167583__;!!IBzWLUs!TrLtdQHuz7PWFhR9x12uSqeJXUlOXkKuc5WliFpSYmYsFlf0iBPGXqlXO-Wdwj17sd7h72kAFU6Kej_1BmXqnnaUSEBFeznijA$ >
Both topics are quite flexible and interested applicants are welcome to
discuss their own project ideas in similar areas.
Suitable applicants should have a background in Computer Science, Software
Engineering, Mathematics or similar fields. Familiarity with formal
methods, logic, verification, model checking, program reasoning, etc. is a
benefit but is not essential.
Contact Dr. Nisansala Yatapanage (nisansala.yatapanage at anu.edu.au) to apply
or for informal enquiries. Applications will be accepted until the
positions are filled, but applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as
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