[TYPES/announce] ISR 2024: first call for participation

Aart Middeldorp aart.middeldorp at uibk.ac.at
Thu Dec 28 10:29:20 EST 2023

14th International School on Rewriting (ISR 2024)

August 25 - September 1, Obergurgl, Austria


* early registration deadline: May 1

ISR 2024 is aimed at master and PhD students, researchers and practitioners
interested in the study of rewriting concepts and their applications. It
offers three parallel tracks, taught by well-known experts:

- Track A: comprehensive introduction to first-order term rewriting
   lecturer: Aart Middeldorp

- Track B: comprehensive introduction to type theory and lambda calculus
   lecturers: Herman Geuvers and Niels van der Weide

- Track C: advanced courses on
   - Interoperability of Proof Systems using Lambdapi
     lecturer: Frederic Blanqui
   - Randomized Programming and Rewriting
     lecturer: Ugo Dal Lago
   - Tools in Rewriting
     lecturer: Nao Hirokawa
   - Termination and Complexity in Higher-Order Term Rewriting
     lecturer: Cynthia Kop
   - SAT/SMT Solving and Applications in Rewriting
     lecturer: Sarah Winkler

Each track consists of 20 slots of 90 minutes. Further details (including
registration information) can be found on the website of ISR 2024:


ISR 2024 is organized by Aart Middeldorp, Georg Moser and Rene Thiemann.

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