[TYPES/announce] Fully-funded PhD position at UMass Lowell

Gollamudi, Anitha Anitha_Gollamudi at uml.edu
Sun Feb 4 10:42:30 EST 2024

I have an open fully-funded  PhD position in the broad area of language-based security at University of Massachusetts Lowell (UMass Lowell). The successful applicant will start in Fall 2024. Other starting (earlier/later) dates can also be discussed.

Possible topics of research include but not limited to:

  1.  Building secure-by-construction applications involving secure hardware, information-flow control and webassembly.
  2.  Developing frameworks for legally-compliant privacy applications (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA).
  3.  Reasoning about OS kernels to enforce full-stack security  for mission-critical applications.

The school of computer science at UMass Lowell has a vibrant and growing programming languages and security groups providing excellent collaborative opportunities for the successful candidate. To learn more: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.uml.edu/sciences/computer-science/__;!!IBzWLUs!WfLh8YVnBbjIkcNjsNls2TPmqGKb77jRMQhk1L9usFZlwZc_j-tS89BIpKbjH0aGGD0uBHUACPdJoQ4w43y8Ay9uc8DvYXMoKne4VeHdNg$ 

While there is no strict application deadline, due preference will be given to candidates that have applied by the end of March. Candidates from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.

Note: Please drop me an email at anitha_gollamudi at uml.edu<mailto:anitha_gollamudi at uml.edu> after submitting your application. You are also welcome to reach out to me either to learn more or to discuss your candidacy.

Bio: I am currently a tenure-track assistant professor focusing on language-based security in the Richard A. Miner School of Computer Science at UMass Lowell. Before joining UMass Lowell, I was a CRA Computing Innovation Fellow  at Yale's Flint group. I received my Ph.D from Harvard University (Thesis: "Secure-by-Construction Applications using Trusted Execution Environments").
Website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sites.uml.edu/anitha-gollamudi/__;!!IBzWLUs!WfLh8YVnBbjIkcNjsNls2TPmqGKb77jRMQhk1L9usFZlwZc_j-tS89BIpKbjH0aGGD0uBHUACPdJoQ4w43y8Ay9uc8DvYXMoKnfr-yG1sw$ 

Anitha Gollamudi.
Assistant Professor,
Richard A. Miner School of Computer Science,
Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell.

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