[TYPES/announce] FME Teaching Tutorial on March 28, 2024, 3 pm CET: Prof Wolfram Kahl, McMaster University, Canada: Teaching with CalcCheck

Luigia Petre Luigia.Petre at abo.fi
Fri Mar 22 09:18:05 EDT 2024

Dear all,

We continue our Formal Methods Teaching tutorials series with a lecture on Thursday (!!), March 28!

Prof Wolfram Kahl, McMaster University, Canada will lecture on his experiences in teaching with a tool called CalcCheck: a proof checker for teaching calculational Logics and Discrete Mathematics.

CalcCheck offers an automated hands-on approach to learning math that traditional teaching methods lack. It supports the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, by encouraging students to actively explore and experiment. Some features of CalcCheck:

  *   Proof Checking: The ability to check the logical validity of each step in a mathematical proof.
  *   Interactive Exercises: Students can engage with interactive exercises that are designed to reinforce mathematical concepts and proof techniques.
  *   Self-Learning: It can be used for self-learners of mathematical logic, discrete mathematics, and other related fields.
  *   Customisability: Teachers can create custom exercises and problem sets tailored to their curriculum, making it a versatile tool for a variety of mathematical topics.

Prof. Kahl is the developer and maintainer of CalcCheck.

More information about our lecturer can be found here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cas.mcmaster.ca/*kahl/__;fg!!IBzWLUs!TXGplBMw8rCeBSwlj-9ssXbubfXQMbWRwY0iFl-1JYwgXJNvyvxWQW-jdzJzEiZf18xpP9c5Fv26lKxEkIjDUB9UCosNEo-FAh3v$ .

The zoom link for Prof. Kahl’s lecture is https://aboakademi.zoom.us/j/64254430116.

The event will last about an hour.

Warmly welcome!!

Best wishes,

PS: for more info, here is the tutorial series webpage: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fme-teaching.github.io/2021/08/24/tutorial-series-of-the-fme-teaching-committee/__;!!IBzWLUs!TXGplBMw8rCeBSwlj-9ssXbubfXQMbWRwY0iFl-1JYwgXJNvyvxWQW-jdzJzEiZf18xpP9c5Fv26lKxEkIjDUB9UCosNElLPgIx_$ .

Luigia Petre, Docent, PhD
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Åbo Akademi University, Finland
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