[TYPES/announce] MFPS 2024: Extended deadline

Sam Staton sam.staton at cs.ox.ac.uk
Fri Mar 29 09:07:30 EDT 2024

Having received a number of requests to extend the deadline, we are announcing a general 1-week extension to the submission deadline for MFPS 2024, for which an updated cfp (including new information on special-session speakers) appears below. The new deadline is April 5 AoE. However, we request authors to submit a title and text abstract by the original deadline of 29 March AoE.


MFPS XL: Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics

Call for papers

The 40th Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics (MFPS XL) takes place at the University of Oxford, UK, from 19-21 June 2024, where it will be colocated with the 7th International Conference on Applied Category Theory (ACT 2024).

MFPS conferences are dedicated to the areas of mathematics, logic, and computer science that are related to models of computation in general, and to semantics of programming languages in particular. This is a forum where researchers in computer science and mathematics can meet and exchange ideas. The participation of researchers in neighbouring areas is strongly encouraged.

Topics include, but are not limited to, the following: bio-computation; concurrent qualitative and quantitative distributed systems; process calculi; probabilistic systems; constructive mathematics; domain theory and categorical models; formal languages; formal methods; game semantics; lambda calculus; programming-language theory; quantum computation; security; topological models; logic; type systems; type theory. We also welcome contributions that address applications of semantics to novel areas such as complex systems, markets, and networks, for example.

Conference home page: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://oxford24.github.io/__;!!IBzWLUs!V39x6l6QdqU0mDGsUMIXRbMwZs9w6aTs2_2RKLjPi6_ID0NaHVir6O8jsc-3jjPswsuUL-XbQWM2mzrrwteQbBjUGwy2jDUDAVxktQ$ 


Important dates:

April 5 (AoE): paper submission
(submission of title and text abstract is requested by March 29 AoE)
May 3: notification of authors
June 3: conference papers ready
June 19–21: conference


Submissions should be prepared using the MFPS macros
in the form of a PDF file. Submission is via EasyChair:

For the first time at MFPS, there are two submission categories:

- regular research contributions,

- early announcements.

Early announcements are a new feature at MFPS XL. They offer a forum for the early presentation of new scientific contributions without the accompanying technical justification that is expected in a regular research contribution.

The page limit for both kinds of submission is 15 pages,  excluding bibliography and appendices. However, it is expected that early announcements will typically be much shorter, taking only as many pages as is required to present the announced contribution. Early announcements will be refereed primarily on their potential interest-value to the MFPS audience. Early announcements should be identified by clearly labelling them with "Early Announcement" at the start of the pdf document.

Early announcements will be given equal presentation time to regular research contributions at the conference.


A preliminary proceedings will be distributed at the meeting, containing both regular research contributions and early announcements.

Final proceedings, containing regular research contributions only, will be published in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Informatics and Computer Science (ENTICS). This open-access series is hosted by Episciences.org as an overlay for papers published by the CORR arXiv or HAL.

It is planned to publish a journal special issue for selected papers from MFPS XL.


There will be 4 invited speakers.

Philippa Gardner (Imperial College, London, UK)
Ohad Kammar (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Catuscia Palamidessi (INRIA Saclay & LIX, France)
Andrew Pitts (University of Cambridge Emeritus, joint ACT/MFPS plenary speaker)


There will be 3 special sessions.

- Special session in memory of Philip Scott  (joint session with ACT, organiser Rick Blute). Speakers:
   - Rick Blute
   - Samson Abramsky
   - Robin Cockett
   - Mark Lawson
- Special session on the semantics of non-wellfounded and circular proofs (organisers Anupam Das and Abhishek De). Speakers:
   - Gianluca Curzi
   - Farzaneh Derakhshan
   - Farzad Jafarrahmani
- Special session associated with the invited talk of Philippa Gardner (organiser Philippa Gardner)


Danel Ahman (University of Tartu)
Amal Ahmed (Northeastern University)
Sandra Alves (University of Porto)
Paolo Baldan (Università di Padova)
Andrej Bauer (University of Ljubljana)
Lars Birkedal (Aarhus University)
Steve Brookes (Carnegie Mellon University)
Valentina Castiglioni (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Liron Cohen (Ben-Gurion University)
Raphaëlle Crubillé (IRIF)
Valeria De Paiva (Topos Institute, co-chair)
Masahito Hasegawa (Kyoto University)
Justin Hsu (Cornell University)
Patricia Johann (Appalachian State University)
Achim Jung (University of Birmingham)
Marie Kerjean   (CNRS, LIPN, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)
Robbert Krebbers (Radboud University)
Paul Levy (University of Birmingham)
Michael Mislove (Tulane University)
Daniele Nantes-Sobrinho (Imperial College London)
Alex Simpson (University of Ljubljana, co-chair)
Christine Tasson (Sorbonne Université)


Sam Staton

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