Alexander Pretschner alexander.pretschner at tum.de
Tue Apr 9 05:43:56 EDT 2024



August 6th - August 17th, 2024, Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany


Organized by fortiss, https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.fortiss.org/en/__;!!IBzWLUs!XXqkZwYsRO38hg84GH5Iax5iEqpKRhp-ayJW7WYXigbJWMmLWXLlveE8Bx_7tIWCxntz6eONxGeRTcvArw_cIi24iRTjpakEtiV8qN8kTQ$ 

*** APPLY ONLINE ON OR BEFORE MAY 5th: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sites.google.com/view/marktoberdorf2024/participation__;!!IBzWLUs!XXqkZwYsRO38hg84GH5Iax5iEqpKRhp-ayJW7WYXigbJWMmLWXLlveE8Bx_7tIWCxntz6eONxGeRTcvArw_cIi24iRTjpakEtiUkxdgcWw$  ***

*** Lectures, see https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sites.google.com/view/marktoberdorf2024/talks__;!!IBzWLUs!XXqkZwYsRO38hg84GH5Iax5iEqpKRhp-ayJW7WYXigbJWMmLWXLlveE8Bx_7tIWCxntz6eONxGeRTcvArw_cIi24iRTjpakEtiUh0cqTXQ$  ***

Cristian Cadar, Imperial College London: Introduction to Dynamic Symbolic Execution and KLEE

Marsha Chechik, University of Toronto: Elicitation and Formal Reasoning about Normative Requirements

Sumit Gulwani, Microsoft, Redmond: AI-assisted Programming: Applications, Experiences, and Neuro-symbolic techniques

Xiaowei Huang, Liverpool University: tba

Laura Kovacs, TU Wien: First-Order Theorem Proving

Rustan Leino, Amazon Web Services: Induction in deductive reasoning

Anders Möller, Aarhus University: Static Program Analysis

Peter Müller, ETH Zurich: Ownership in Program Verification - From Separation Logic to Rust and Back

Frank Piessens, KU Leuven: Software security across abstraction layers

Alexander Pretschner, TU München and fortiss: Scenario-Based Tests for Cyber-Physical Systems

Zach Tatlock, University of Washington: tba

Cesare Tinelli, University of Iowa: Modeling and analyzing reactive systems with logic-based symbolic model checkers

*** Objective ***

Almost all modern technical systems rely crucially on software. Communication, transportation, financial services, healthcare, power supply, military defense, and many other aspects of modern societies require software systems that are both safe and secure. Safe software behaves according to its specification and, in particular, avoids hazards for the environment it is used in. Secure software ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data, even when a system is attacked by an adversary. Both safety and security violations potentially cause considerable economic, political, and physical damage. So, improving our understanding of safety and security and, thereby, enhancing our ability to construct safe and secure systems is a vital challenge for our society.

The lectures in this summer school give an overview of the state of the art in the construction and analysis of safe and secure systems. Starting from the logical and semantic foundations that enable reasoning about classical software systems, they extend to the development and verification of cyber-physical systems, which tightly combine computational and physical components, and have become pervasive in aerospace, automotive, industry automation, and consumer appliances. Safety and security have traditionally been considered separate; however, several lectures in this summer school will emphasize their commonalities and present analysis and construction techniques that apply to both.

*** Marktoberdorf Summer School ***

As a follow-up to the famous 1968 software engineering conference in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Professor F.L. Bauer from the Technical University of Munich co-organized the first Marktoberdorf Summer School in 1970. We are happy to announce the 42nd edition of the most prestigious summer school on software engineering in 2024.


Alexander Pretschner, Professor

Software&Systems Engineering at TUM<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cs.cit.tum.de/sse/startseite/__;!!IBzWLUs!XXqkZwYsRO38hg84GH5Iax5iEqpKRhp-ayJW7WYXigbJWMmLWXLlveE8Bx_7tIWCxntz6eONxGeRTcvArw_cIi24iRTjpakEtiXgao4YMA$ > - bidt<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.bidt.digital/__;!!IBzWLUs!XXqkZwYsRO38hg84GH5Iax5iEqpKRhp-ayJW7WYXigbJWMmLWXLlveE8Bx_7tIWCxntz6eONxGeRTcvArw_cIi24iRTjpakEtiWZr5GLDA$ > - fortiss<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.fortiss.org/__;!!IBzWLUs!XXqkZwYsRO38hg84GH5Iax5iEqpKRhp-ayJW7WYXigbJWMmLWXLlveE8Bx_7tIWCxntz6eONxGeRTcvArw_cIi24iRTjpakEtiWUJsgHxg$ > - CDTM<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cdtm.de/__;!!IBzWLUs!XXqkZwYsRO38hg84GH5Iax5iEqpKRhp-ayJW7WYXigbJWMmLWXLlveE8Bx_7tIWCxntz6eONxGeRTcvArw_cIi24iRTjpakEtiUz5HNxhw$ >

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