[TYPES/announce] Category Theory / Type Theory / Machine Learning research posts at Symbolica
Dominic Verity
dom at symbolica.ai
Sun May 26 20:00:50 EDT 2024
Dear Colleagues,
Symbolica (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://symbolica.ai__;!!IBzWLUs!SMtDtj1SkcR78rcwwjMr9qRIDHdiDUfdFjG5gHqxpDqSL_qCoK3TJJSemYmRZBTAf1swcU1Cz2hqkdw9NJ0wNHl71KkIzA$ ) is a startup developing new foundational
deep learning models for *structured reasoning*, based on principles of
category theory, type theory and functional programming. Specifically, we
aim to develop models which manipulate structured data, learn algebraic
structure in it, and do so with an interpretable and verifiable logic. To
that end, we are developing new mathematical foundations for deep learning
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.categoricaldeeplearning.com/__;!!IBzWLUs!SMtDtj1SkcR78rcwwjMr9qRIDHdiDUfdFjG5gHqxpDqSL_qCoK3TJJSemYmRZBTAf1swcU1Cz2hqkdw9NJ0wNHlmVSx_6A$ .
We are currently assembling a research and development lab of expert:
- category theory;
- type theory; and
- machine learning researchers, as well as
- research software engineers
to develop this theory and apply it to code synthesis and theorem proving.
We are committed both to fundamental ideas and their implementation in
models and software.
We are hiring in:
- London, U.K. - working out of our office in Shoreditch
- Australia and compatible timezones (e.g. Japan) - Remote (fixed hours)
*Please note:* All U.K. and Australia positions are listed as *remote* and
all salaries are quoted in U.S. dollars, since the only locations accepted
by Gusto are in the U.S. We are not, however, hiring in the U.S. for these
This round of applications will close on the *9th of June 2024*. To express
your interest in one of these roles please head to
and apply by answering a few questions and providing a résumé and cover
*Professor Dominic Verity <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://dom-verity.github.io/__;!!IBzWLUs!SMtDtj1SkcR78rcwwjMr9qRIDHdiDUfdFjG5gHqxpDqSL_qCoK3TJJSemYmRZBTAf1swcU1Cz2hqkdw9NJ0wNHk9jmMsAA$ >*
Director of Symbolics
[image: Symbolica] <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.symbolica.ai/__;!!IBzWLUs!SMtDtj1SkcR78rcwwjMr9qRIDHdiDUfdFjG5gHqxpDqSL_qCoK3TJJSemYmRZBTAf1swcU1Cz2hqkdw9NJ0wNHnRFZ6ASA$ >
Symbolica.ai | dom at symbolica.ai
The book "Elements of ∞-Category Theory"
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/elements-of-category-theory/DAC48C449AB8C2C1B1E528A49D27FC6D__;!!IBzWLUs!SMtDtj1SkcR78rcwwjMr9qRIDHdiDUfdFjG5gHqxpDqSL_qCoK3TJJSemYmRZBTAf1swcU1Cz2hqkdw9NJ0wNHkUJe7oVg$ >
Emily Riehl and Dom Verity is available now from Cambridge University
Press. Our deepest gratitude to CUP for allowing ongoing free access
to the preprint
version <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://elements-book.github.io/elements.pdf__;!!IBzWLUs!SMtDtj1SkcR78rcwwjMr9qRIDHdiDUfdFjG5gHqxpDqSL_qCoK3TJJSemYmRZBTAf1swcU1Cz2hqkdw9NJ0wNHm91KXMUg$ > for personal use.
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