[TYPES/announce] PhD Studentship Opportunity: Proof-Theoretic Semantics for Non-Classical and Modal Logics (Leverhulme ECUMENICAL Project)

Elaine Pimentel elaine.pimentel at gmail.com
Thu Nov 21 16:11:37 EST 2024


We invite applications for a four-year PhD studentship on the
Leverhulme-funded project "ECUMENICAL: Proof-theoretic semantics for
non-classical and modal logics," led by Dr. Elaine Pimentel, Prof. David
Pym, and Prof. Luiz Carlos Pereira at UCL Computer Science, UK.

This interdisciplinary studentship, situated at the intersection of
informatics, mathematics, and philosophy, is open to UK (home) students.
The research will focus on developing proof-theoretic semantics for
non-classical and modal logics, constructing the necessary abstract
mathematical meta-theory, and investigating the implications of
inferentialist semantics for systems verification. The project will build
on recent advancements at UCL, including connections between the
proof-theoretic foundations of logic programming and base-extension
semantics, with potential exploration of applications to simulation
modelling and its inferentialist interpretation.

The successful candidate will work closely with Dr. Elaine Pimentel
(Computer Science), Prof. David Pym (Computer Science and Philosophy), and
Prof. Luiz Carlos Pereira (Philosophy, UERJ Brazil). The student will be
based within the Programming Principles, Logic, and Verification group at
UCL Computer Science.

Application deadlines:

3 February 2025 (for a May 2025 start)
1 July 2025 (for an October 2025 start)

Application Web Page:

Elaine Pimentel
Schools Outreach Lead
Associate Professor in Programming Principles, Logic, and Verification
Department of Computer Science, Office: Room 3.11, 66-72 Gower Street
University College London
URL: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sites.google.com/site/elainepimentel/__;!!IBzWLUs!UMKiN8qXytXL6IoeI_TsAkA1bzOqYgBXd3zooEFlXIQl_Qph0nPm37IU2IW5MPww5mQYpg3fQOhEjcyopgdifozB0edqb1g-H3-bKvMM$ 

UCL Computer Science is an *Athena Swan Gold award winner for gender
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UCL is ranked among the *top ten in the QS World University Rankings 2024
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