[TYPES/announce] PhD position at ETH Zurich in formal semantics and verification (and Rust)
Ralf Jung
research at ralfj.de
Wed Dec 18 07:50:59 EST 2024
Hi all,
I am looking to hire a new PhD student for my group at ETH Zurich!
We are looking for strong students that want to do research at the foundations
of programming language theory, in program verification and separation logic,
with a focus on Rust. Some experience with formal methods and PL theory is
expected (e.g. from a suitable course); knowledge of interactive theorem provers
or Rust is greatly appreciated but not required. Candidates need to have a
master's degree.
Interested candidates should email ralf.jung at inf.ethz.ch. Please explain why you
are interested in a PhD in this field and what your prior experience is. Also
include a CV and possible contacts for recommendation letters. Applications are
considered on a rolling basis, so there is no fixed end date for this call, but
if you want to be sure the position is still open then please submit your
applications until the end of February, 2025.
See <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://plf.inf.ethz.ch/the-group/open-positions.html__;!!IBzWLUs!T8uRhKxcOOXvT7hZIvX8qY1hR3N1m7bCrx_14L0iQLwGJvfoyO7QqQGpbLqKQyZGBdJ9uZx-0_lmfuo5C71SykZG3sDLfSNpcg$ > for further information.
Kind regards,
Website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://research.ralfj.de__;!!IBzWLUs!T8uRhKxcOOXvT7hZIvX8qY1hR3N1m7bCrx_14L0iQLwGJvfoyO7QqQGpbLqKQyZGBdJ9uZx-0_lmfuo5C71SykZG3sDjYyw2UA$
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