[TYPES/announce] QPL 2025 - Second Call for Papers

Alejandro Díaz-Caro alejandro at diaz-caro.info
Tue Jan 14 07:40:45 EST 2025

QPL 2025 - Second Call for Papers

The 22nd International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2025)
Varna, Bulgaria, July 14-18, 2025


Quantum Physics and Logic is an annual conference that brings together
academic and industry researchers working on mathematical foundations
of quantum computation, quantum physics, and related areas. The main
focus is on the use of algebraic and categorical structures, formal
languages, type systems, logics, semantic methods, as well as other
mathematical and computer scientific techniques applicable to the
study of physical systems, physical processes, and their composition.
Work applying quantum-inspired techniques and structures to other
fields, such as linguistics, artificial intelligence, and causality,
is also welcome.

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline: 9 February 2025
Paper submission deadline: 16 February 2025
Notification: 24 March 2025
Camera-ready deadline (revised accepted proceedings manuscripts): 15 June 2025
Conference: 14 July - 18 July 2025

All deadlines are stated with respect to the Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone.

Submissions guidelines

Prospective speakers are invited to submit one (or more) of the following:

* Proceedings paper. This consists of a 5-12-page paper presenting
original research results not currently under consideration for
publication elsewhere. It must provide sufficient evidence of results
of genuine interest, in sufficient detail, for the program committee
to assess the merits and correctness of the work. Proceedings
submissions must use the EPTCS style files.

* Talk proposal. This consists of a 3-page summary along with a link
to a separate published paper or preprint. If the published paper or
preprint is not publicly available (e.g. not open access), then it
must be included in full after the summary.

* Poster. This consists of a 3-page summary of (partial) results or
work in progress.

Submission is via EasyChair at the following URL:


Authors of accepted submissions are expected to present their work
during the conference (e.g. by giving a talk or presenting a poster).
There will be an award for Best Student Paper at the discretion of the
Program Committee. Papers eligible for the award are those where all
the authors are students at the time of submission.

Conference Proceedings
Conference proceedings will be published in Electronic Proceedings in
Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS) after the conference.

QPL 2025 Programme Committee
* Alastair Abbott
* Pablo Arrighi
* Miriam Backens
* Rui Soares Barbosa
* Åmin Baumeler
* Jessica Bavaresco
* Alessandro Bisio
* Robert Booth
* Cyril Branciard
* Titouan Carette
* Ulysse Chabaud
* Giulio Chiribella
* Bob Coecke
* Ross Duncan
* Alejandro Díaz-Caro -- Co-chair
* Pierre-Emmanuel Emeriau
* Flaminia Giacomini
* Stefano Gogioso
* Matty Hoban
* Emmanuel Jeandel
* Anna Jenčová
* Robin Kaarsgaard
* Martti Karvonen
* Kohei Kishida
* Aleks Kissinger
* Ravi Kunjwal
* Robin Lorenz
* Gláucia Murta
* Nuriya Nurgalieva
* Ognyan Oreshkov -- Co-chair
* Anna Pearson
* Simon Perdrix
* Nicola Pinzani
* Robert Rand
* Neil Ross
* Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
* Ana Belén Sainz -- Co-chair
* Nitica Sakharwade
* Carlo Maria Scandolo
* John Selby
* Peter Selinger
* Sonja Smets
* Pawel Sobocinski
* Isar Stubbe
* Marcelo Terra Cunha
* Benoît Valiron
* Augustin Vanrietvelde
* V. Vilasini
* Renaud Vilmart
* Juliana Vizzotto
* Quanlong Wang
* Julian Wechs
* Mirjam Weilenmann
* John van de Wetering
* Alexander Wilce
* Margherita Zorzi

QPL 2025 Organising Committee

* James Hefford (Inria, France)
* Timothée Hoffreumon (Université Paris-Saclay, France)
* Zixuan Liu (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
* Ognyan Oreshkov (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) -- Conference Chair
* Eleftherios Ermis Tselentis (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
* Vladimir Zamdzhiev (Inria, France)

QPL Steering Committee

* Bob Coecke (Quantinuum, UK)
* Ana Belén Sainz (University of Gdańsk, Poland)
* Peter Selinger (Dalhousie University, Canada)


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