[TYPES/announce] Fully Funded PhD position in Secure Compilation

Gollamudi, Anitha Anitha_Gollamudi at uml.edu
Wed Jan 15 23:23:59 EST 2025

I have a fully funded (5-year) PhD position that focuses on building secure compilers. Broadly speaking, the candidate will work on securing applications---including distributed---using advances in the secure hardware architectures (e.g., Intel SGX) and programming languages. There is ample future scope to work in the allied areas of web assembly (WASM) and eBPF programming. The requirement is immediate.

Read carefully on the following requirements.

  1.  U.S citizens preferred (if you aren’t, you can still reach out to me provided you have met other requirements).
  2.  Must start no later than Fall 2025.
  3.  Background in programming languages (e.g., undergraduate PL course at TAPL or equivalent level) or compilers (e.g., LLVM).
  4.  Background in computer architecture is a plus.

Interested candidates can reach out to me as soon as possible. Also, feel free to circulate this message to anyone interested.

Anitha Gollamudi (she/her),
Assistant Professor,
Rich A Miner School of Computer Science,
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
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