<div dir="ltr"><span class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small">COST Action CA20111 EuroProofNet<br>Open <span class="gmail-il">call</span> for Short-Term Scientific Missions (<span class="gmail-il">STSMs</span>)</span><div><span class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small"><br></span></div><div><span class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small"></span>Dear <span class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small">A</span>ction members,<br><br>Proposals have to be submitted on<br><a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://e-services.cost.eu/activity/grants/add?type=STSM__;!!IBzWLUs!DqnLuKCr_IPlVdIJJaw9m9mSdODF_ghHtvhjP92TUd75tmFi3zSkMWwr_PdTUcLgmzTJMNsYl2J5Hw$">https://e-services.cost.eu/activity/grants/add?type=STSM</a> (you need to<br>add a bank account on your e-cost profile first).<br><br>The deadline is 3 April <span class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small">2022 </span>(AoE).<br><br>We are especially looking for applications from women and from<br>working groups other than WG3.<br><br>A Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) is a research visit of an<br>individual researcher from a country participating in the Action in a<br>different country also participating in the Action. We encourage STSMs,<br>as they are an effective way of starting and maintaining collaborations.<br><br>The procedure for proposing an STSM is described in Annex 2, section<br>2.3, of the Annotated Rules<br>(<a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cost.eu/uploads/2021/10/COST-094-21-Annotated-Rules-for-COST-Actions-Level-C-2021-11-01-1.pdf__;!!IBzWLUs!DqnLuKCr_IPlVdIJJaw9m9mSdODF_ghHtvhjP92TUd75tmFi3zSkMWwr_PdTUcLgmzTJMNuK-I5mAQ$">https://www.cost.eu/uploads/2021/10/COST-094-21-Annotated-Rules-for-COST-Actions-Level-C-2021-11-01-1.pdf</a>).<br><br>The main points about STSMs are:<br><br> * An STSM must be between two different countries which are<br>participating in the Action.<br> * The typical duration is one or two weeks. We favor short missions so<br>that more people can get funded.<br> * The financial contribution for an STSM is a fixed grant based on the<br>applicant's budget request and the evaluation of the application by the<br>STSM assessment committee. The grant will not necessarily cover all<br>costs of the visit. The grant only covers travel and subsistence and is<br>transferred after the STSM has taken place.<br> * Recommended grants:<br> - up to EUR 120 for daily allowance (depending on the location)<br> - up to EUR 400 for travel.<br> - the total may not exceed EUR 4000 (this is a hard limit)<br> * As part of the application form submitted through e-COST, the goals<br>of the mission have to be described including how it contributes to the<br>objectives of the Action (see <a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA20111__;!!IBzWLUs!DqnLuKCr_IPlVdIJJaw9m9mSdODF_ghHtvhjP92TUd75tmFi3zSkMWwr_PdTUcLgmzTJMNt8e3jEkg$">https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA20111</a>),<br>which working group(s) it contributes to, and a confirmation from the<br>host that he or she will receive the applicant.<br> * Proposals should be submitted by the deadlines.<br> * STSMs must end before the end of October.<br><br>The criteria according to which funding will be decided are in order:<br> * importance with regard to the research coordination objectives<br> * inclusiveness target countries<br> * age<br> * gender<br> * team with low resources<br> * balance over the action life time between people, teams, countries<br>and working groups.<br><br>After acceptance, to get reimbursed, a short scientific report must be<br>submitted through the e-cost system along with the Host’s approval of<br>the report, within 15 days after the end of the STSM.<br><br>For more information, see the website of the action <a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://europroofnet.github.io__;!!IBzWLUs!DqnLuKCr_IPlVdIJJaw9m9mSdODF_ghHtvhjP92TUd75tmFi3zSkMWwr_PdTUcLgmzTJMNsdyBT1ww$">https://europroofnet.github.io</a>.<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Danijela Simic and Ambrus Kaposi<br><br>EuroProofNet STSM Coordinators<div class="gmail_quote">