<div dir="ltr"><div>We are organizing a workshop on Syntax and Semantics of Type Theories in Stockholm, Sweden, on May 20-21, 2022:<br>
<div><a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://europroofnet.github.io/wg6-kickoff-stockholm/__;!!IBzWLUs!F1vFHyLfRbA2OYww3lxoDeJpcyxydQvAaAsUuFgus5H7NqzQ3-F7p2HRE2KuHO8QNDCsbX4NictioA$" target="_blank">https://europroofnet.github.io/wg6-kickoff-stockholm/</a></div>
<div>The event is intended as a kick-off meeting for working group 6 on type theory of the EuroProofNet EU Cost Action:<br>
<a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://europroofnet.github.io/wg6/__;!!IBzWLUs!F1vFHyLfRbA2OYww3lxoDeJpcyxydQvAaAsUuFgus5H7NqzQ3-F7p2HRE2KuHO8QNDCsbX4H7EK8Cw$" target="_blank">https://europroofnet.github.io/wg6/</a><br>
<p>The programme will consist primarily of short talks, with plenty of
time for discussion to share recent results, and co-ordinate future
research, including collaboration towards deliverables. On the Sunday
after the workshop, there will be an informal social
excursion — details TBA. The meeting will be in-person.<br>
<div># Confirmed speakers (more TBA)<br>
<div>* András Kovacs</div>
<div>* Andrej Bauer</div>
<div>* Anja Petkovic Komel</div>
<div>* Ivan Di Liberti</div>
<div>* Jonathan Sterling</div>
<div>* Taichi Uemura</div>
<div>* Théo Winterhalter</div>
<div># Deadlines</div>
<div>Contributed talks deadline: <b>Monday 11 April</b><br>
<div>Funding request deadline: <b>Monday 11 April</b></div>
<div>Participation registration deadline: <b>Friday 13 May</b></div>
<div>To register please fill out the form linked to on the event webpage.<br>
# Organisers<br>
<div>* Benedikt Ahrens (TU Delft & University of Birmingham)</div>
<div>* Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine (Stockholm University)</div>
<div>* Anders Mörtberg (Stockholm University)</div>