<div dir="ltr"><div></div><div>WebAssembly is a recently introduced portable virtual machine, to which
code written in many high-level languages can be compiled in order to be
executed in web browsers and other runtimes. There have been several
independent efforts to bring static and dynamic analysis tools to the
WebAssembly ecosystem. This workshop aims to bring together researchers
working in the domain of static and dynamic analyses for WebAssembly.
Specifically, this workshop aims to discuss all techniques related to
detecting bugs and vulnerabilities in WebAssembly binaries, to build
models of such binaries, to prove their correctness, to monitor their
execution, or to optimise binaries for running time and binary size. The
PAW workshop is a community-building event, for exchanging ideas and
fostering collaborations in these domains.</div><br>The workshop will
consist of submitted and invited talks, as well as discussion sessions.
To that end, we invite submissions for talks in the form of a 1-page
abstract delineating at a high-level the content of the presentation.<br><br>More info: <a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://2022.ecoop.org/home/paw-2022__;!!IBzWLUs!CQthdbEPY3u45g72Em-w4LXdw34LX34VmcS1cyZ7AuUkfqdlT3ZomxsQovKFV63xHSUgROlGKiLVBw$" target="_blank">https://2022.ecoop.org/home/paw-2022</a><br>Submission site: <a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=paw2022__;!!IBzWLUs!CQthdbEPY3u45g72Em-w4LXdw34LX34VmcS1cyZ7AuUkfqdlT3ZomxsQovKFV63xHSUgROl6j0gDsA$" target="_blank">https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=paw2022</a><br>Timeline:<br>April 18 2022: Submission deadline -- updated<br>May 2 2022: Acceptance notification<br><div>June 6-10 2022: ECOOP conference</div></div>