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<p>Dear all,<br>
<p>The CEA LIST, Software Security Lab (LSL), has several open
internship positions in the area of Formal verification for quantum
programming to begin as soon as possible at Paris-Saclay, France. The
position are 4-6 month long and can open the way to a PhD
position. They are articulated around the Qbricks tool which aims at
providing an automated solution for quantum programming formal
<p>More details on the project and the positions are available on our website: <a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://qbricks.github.io/__;!!IBzWLUs!VlUbFIfFySesKgmqZj_uTG0ANusvjcN3IN-0oSgpkQOTCadcZqIRI6YY1URyVsiuQ446rND_u2O8x6Tl9MTJBqyiyvp-Kavr3tY$" id="m_-142647256021053743LPlnk18363" target="_blank">
<p>Feel free to share this information with potential candidates.</p>