[TYPES] Tutorial proposals for IJCAR 2004 due February 1, 2004

William M. Farmer wmfarmer at mcmaster.ca
Wed Jan 14 12:00:44 EST 2004


IJCAR 2004

Second International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning

04 July - 08 July, 2004

University College Cork
Cork, County Cork, Ireland 




Tutorials will be held on July 4-5, 2004.  They may run a half or full


IJCAR 2004 is the Second International Joint Conference on Automated
Reasoning (IJCAR) and will be held in Cork, Ireland from July 4th to
8th, 2004.  The first IJCAR was held in Siena, Italy, in late June
2001, merging CADE (Conference on Automated Deduction), FTP (Workshop
on First-order Theorem Proving), and TABLEAUX (Conference on Analytic
Tableaux and Related Methods).  The second IJCAR will merge CADE, FTP,
TABLEAUX, FroCoS (Workshop on Frontiers of Combining Systems), and
CALCULEMUS (Symposium on the Integration of Symbolic Computation and
Mechanized Reasoning).


An IJCAR tutorial can be on any IJCAR related topic.  (Examples of
IJCAR areas of interest can be found in the IJCAR Call for Papers at
http://4c.ucc.ie/ijcar/submission.html.)  The following kinds of
tutorials are especially desirable:

    1. A tutorial that explains how to use a particular automated
       reasoning system to an audience of future users.

    2. A tutorial that introduces an important, well-established
       subject or method -- such as type theory, tableaux theorem
       proving, induction, etc. -- to an audience of new researchers.

    3. A tutorial that presents a hot new topic in automated reasoning
       or a new application of automated reasoning to an audience of
       researchers or system developers.

IJCAR 2001 included four tutorials: "Computational mathematics:
opportunities and challenges for computational logic", "Clausal
temporal resolution", "Constraint handling rules", and "Description
logics: basics, inference algorithms, and applications".

How to propose a tutorial

Send a 2-3 page proposal to the tutorial chair (wmfarmer at mcmaster.ca)
no later than February 1, 2004.  The proposal should be in plain text,
PostScript, or PDF format and should contain the following

    1. The title of the tutorial.

    2. A short biographical description of the presenter(s) of the
       tutorial that includes name, affiliation, contact information,
       and relevant background.
    3. A description of the tutorial.  Is the duration of the tutorial
       a half day or a full day?  What date is preferred (July 4 or
       5)?  Are there any special equipment requirements?

    4. The intended audience.  How many participants are expected?  Is
       there any sort of limitation to participation?

Further notes

    1. Tutorial organizers must create and maintain a Web page that
       describes the tutorial for the IJCAR community.

    2. The IJCAR organizers offer to copy and distribute tutorial
       notes to registered tutorial participants.

    3. Tutorial participants are not required to register for IJCAR

    4. All questions concerning tutorials should be directed to the
       tutorial chair.

Important dates

Deadline for proposal submissions:      February 1, 2004
Notification of acceptance/rejection:     March 14, 2004
Deadline for tutorial notes:               June 13, 2004    
Tutorial dates:                           July 4-5, 2004

Tutorial chair

William Farmer
E-mail: wmfarmer at mcmaster.ca

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