[TYPES] FCS04: Foundations of Computer Security - call for papers

Andrei Sabelfeld andrei at cs.chalmers.se
Fri Jan 23 11:09:19 EST 2004

	      Foundations of Computer Security - FCS'04
		(affiliated with LICS'04 and ICALP'04)

		   Turku, Finland, July 12-13, 2004


			   Call for papers

Computer security is an established  field of Computer Science of both
theoretical  and practical  significance. In  recent years,  there has
been  increasing  interest  in  logic-based  foundations  for  various
methods  in  computer security,  including  the formal  specification,
analysis and design of cryptographic protocols and their applications,
the formal  definition of various  aspects of security such  as access
control  mechanisms,   mobile  code  security   and  denial-of-service
attacks, trust  management, and the  modeling of information  flow and
its application  to confidentiality policies,  system composition, and
covert channel analysis.

The aim of this workshop is  to provide a forum for continued activity
in this area,  to bring computer security researchers  in contact with
the  LICS'04 and  ICALP'04 communities,  and  to give  LICS and  ICALP
attendees an opportunity to talk to experts in computer security.


We are interested both in new results in theories of computer security
and also in more exploratory presentations that examine open questions
and  raise  fundamental concerns  about  existing theories.   Possible
topics include, but are not limited to:

Composition issues                  authentication
Formal specification                availability and denial of service
Foundations of verification         covert channels
Information flow analysis           cryptographic protocols
Language-based security             confidentiality
Logic-based design          for     integrity and privacy
Program transformation              intrusion detection
Security models                     malicious code
Static analysis                     mobile code
Statistical methods                 mutual distrust
Trust management                    security policies


See web page at http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~andrei/FCS04/


Submission deadline:                April 2, 2004
Notification of acceptance:         May 19, 2004
Final papers:                       June 7, 2004
Workshop:                           July 12-13, 2004


Tuomas Aura, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK
Gilles Barthe, INRIA, France
Michele Bugliesi, University of Venice, Italy
Iliano Cervesato, ITT Industries, USA
Mads Dam, KTH/SICS, Sweden
Sabrina De Capitani Di Vimercati, University of Milan, Italy
Joshua Guttman, MITRE, USA
Naoki Kobayashi, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Mogens Nielsen, BRICS, Denmark
Valtteri Niemi, Nokia Research Center, Finland
Andrei Sabelfeld (chair), Chalmers, Sweden
Andre Scedrov, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Robin Sharp, DTU, Denmark
Vitaly Shmatikov, SRI, USA


This year  FCS features  a Sub-Workshop on  Logical Foundations  of an
Adaptive  Security Infrastructure,  organized by  Leo  Marcus. Further
information is available on the FCS04 web page.


FCS04: http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~andrei/FCS04/

LICS04: http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/als/lics/lics04/

ICALP04: http://www.math.utu.fi/ICALP04/

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